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  • May 31st, 2017 @ 6:35am

    Virtual GPS Tracker

    So what is the argument that makes this different than attaching a GPS to someone's car, which I thought SCOTUS had specifically said needs a warrant?
  • May 30th, 2017 @ 6:15pm

    Re: Abolishing Checked Bag Fees

    Then the airlines will just raise fares out of sight to make up for that.

    You mean make people pay what something actually costs? Gasp. The horror!

  • May 11th, 2017 @ 7:21am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: NO FALSE NARRATIVE!

    If only you had said "lefty liebrals", then he would be that much closer to his blackout!
  • May 5th, 2017 @ 9:14am

    Re: Critical Infrastructure

    As soon as any government agency says "You can handle that on our website.", internet access becomes a necessity. And if you are going to use the excuse that it is available at the public library, then you better have a 24 hour library within walking distance of everyone.

  • Jul 2nd, 2015 @ 9:59am

    Don't Idolize Google Just Yet (as Yet Another Annonymous Coward)

    The article states:
    Except Wave's build out is condo-focused and modest, and CenturyLink is one of many ISPs that have responded to Google Fiber with what I affectionately call "fiber to the press release," or the practice of offering gigabit fiber to a few high-end developments, then pretending it's conducting a much broader rollout than it is.
    but I'm not seeing much better behavior from Google here in Kansas City.
    I would go so far as to say their customer service sucks. After signing up to get fiber service (which you have to wait until they get around to your part of the city), all inquiries about when the service might actually be installed are met with something along the lines of "We'll get there when we get there." The people I know who have Google fiber are very happy with it. The people who don't have it, can't seem to get it.
    I moved in to a neighborhood that had already been serviced, and was originally told I couldn't sign up since those were closed. After some discussions with a very pleasant and helpful rep, they made an exception and let me sign up. No indication of when I might get connected (even though fiber already exists in the neighborhood). Then, with much hoopla, Google announced that they were re-opening sign-ups in our area. Still no indication as to when the installation might actually happen. Emails are ignored. Phone calls result in "We can't do that today." even when I asked an opened ended "When can I expect..." type question.
    I am trying to remain positive about Google fiber, and even Google in general, but they are not the paragons of providing internet service that you keep implying they are.

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