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  • Sep 10th, 2012 @ 11:07pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

    Dear Anonymous Coward,

    Once again I feel this conversation has detoured off of its actual trajectory, just as I pointed out in my previous comment: Previous Comment.

    You have jumped on the phrase "betterment of all people" -- read it as "betterment of man" and then run with it down to extreme selflessness which like any extreme doesn't fix anything if anything you simply take someone else's misfortune as your own. (Personal opinion)

    As for the troll comment, if you had read all of average_joe's previous comments you would understand that is exactly what he has been doing, only eloquently. This isn't a question of nice, just a question of does he dwell under a bridge? -- Yes! Just one right near a grammar school.

    So what was this conversation about again?
  • Sep 9th, 2012 @ 5:35pm

    Re: Re: Re:

    It is not that no one here is willing to answer your simple question - as Leigh Beadon's initial comment, in his first sentence mentions this:

    Personally I believe that, while violating the rights of creators is wrong in a very real sense, it is at least equally wrong (in a broader and, in the long run, more significant sense) to hold back the proliferation of culture and interfere with the (in my opinion) absolutely incredible potential of technology that can make all human knowledge and culture available to everyone, everywhere, all the time.

    ...but that you are asking a question about oranges when what is being discussed are apples. You are choosing to not see the point in the on-going discussion because you are harping on rights when it has been clearly and simply explained to you that we are not discussing rights, but the betterment of all people through the constant and free access to content.

    My position ultimately doesn't matter here, as the discussion isn't even about personal views, you have turned yourself into someone who is beating a drum "What about the victim, what about his rights!?" now that is important, but not to this discussion. The only reason you yourself haven't been called a troll is that you are able to in full sentences with depth of vocabulary eloquently express your view.

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