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  • Dec 17th, 2019 @ 8:00am

    Re: Who cares what you say?

    Not the SCV.

  • Dec 17th, 2019 @ 7:59am

    Re: Racists infested the north and the union army, as well

    There may have been a people somewhere on the planet with the moral authority to make war on the Confederacy but it wasn't the United States. What's worse? Slavery or genocide of American Indians carried out by the U.S. Army (including black buffalo soldiers)?

    Slaves had shelter, food, clothing, medical care, religions instruction and about 25% of slave occupations required literacy. Compare that to the lives of native Americans imprisoned in concentration camps artfully called reservations in conditions worse than plantation slavery.

    Whatever charges you want to lay at the feet of Confederates, the same and worse can be said of the barbarians wearing military uniforms who came down here to make war on them.

    Most people today cannot conceptualize the union army's savagery and barbarism perpetrated against the South.

    Nothing -- not secession, not preserving the union, not ending slavery -- NOTHING justified the uncivilized brutality of the union's war on the Southern people.

  • Dec 17th, 2019 @ 7:49am

    Speakers at Monument Dedication

    Carr wasn't the only speaker. The Gov. of North Carolina spoke also, and his remarks included this:

    “Ours is the task to build a State worthy of all patriotism and heroic deeds, a State that demands justice for herself and all her people, a State sounding with the music of victorious industry, a State whose awakened conscience shall lead the State to evolve from the forces of progress a new social order, with finer development for all conditions and classes of our people.”

    The source for the quote is the June 3, 1913 edition of the Charlotte Observer. The dedication of the monument is covered on pages 1, 2 and 3. It quotes several of the speakers- the Governor, President of UNC and representatives from the UDC. It mentions Carr, but does not quote any of his speech.

    How come this is ignored? Oh, I know. Because truth doesn't matter in the hate campaign against white Southerners.

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