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  • Jan 4th, 2011 @ 8:22pm

    Re: What damaging leaks Mike ??

    I live in the Dominican Republic, and the released cables became quite the news, not because of the breach itself, but because in it there was information where it names clearly 2 people from our government that asked for money in exchange for political favors.

    Now those 2 people are being put on trial.

    Admittedly, they will most likely pay the judge and go free; corruption is quite a problem in our country, where you only go to jail if you pissed off someone with more power than you. But it's a step forward.

    I couldn't find news online that report these facts that are not in spanish, but it appears that the leaks have benefited my country in other ways: ous-entity-says
  • Mar 4th, 2010 @ 10:19pm

    (untitled comment)

    Okay, I'm not a fan of DRM, but someone has to create an alternate business model.

    CwF+RtB works well with music because you have concerts, which is a scarce resource, and there's nothing better than listening to a band live and the difference is huge.

    Selling merchadise works well with online comics, because there's nothing better than a huge detailed poster and the difference is huge.

    For computer games, there's no alternative in sight. DLC is just as easy to spread as the game that uses it. Arcades are good only for a few casual games, and the improvement over computer games isn't big enough. Selling a service is works, but only with online games.

    And when you read that the few people who dare to post pirated game stats show that 70 - 90% of the people who play the game got it illegally( example: ) you get the idea of why companies are trying stupid stuff like DRM.

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