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  • Aug 2nd, 2016 @ 7:19pm

    NET-NEUTRALITY existed since 1996

    To those that complain NET-NEUTRALITY is a new government overreach, i want to remind them this:

    The NET-NEUTRALITY regulations were put in place when the Internet was introduced to the public in 1996, and they have been applied until 2014.

    In 2014 the NET-NEUTRALITY regulations were cancelled thank's to a law suit started by Verizon.

    Without NET-NEUTRALITY the ISPs can start selling Internet access in packages; it recently happened in India: they lost NET-NEUTRALITY and now they have to buy internet acces by selecting "Social Media Sites +$10 a month" and then "News Sites +$5 a month" and then "Video Streamins Sites +$20 a month" and so on.

    In case you don't understand it, this is what Cable Providers want to be able to do to disencourage people from subscribing to Video Services like NETFLIX and AMAZON VIDEO that allow People to cancel they Cable TV subscription.

    When the NET-NEUTRALITY regulations got cancelled, Comcast started slowing down the Internet connection to Customers accessing NETFLIX, to the point Movies kept getting paused for buffering... Eventually Comcast made Netflix pay an undisclosed amount of money to re-allow Customers to see Netflix at full speed... And 2 months later the Monthly fee of Netflix went up by $2.

    This means Customers have to pay TWICE for the same connection: first they buy a connection speed from Comcast, then they have to pay Netflix to have the right to use such speed they already paid for.

    Thankfully NET-NEUTRALITY prohibits these types of practice... If you don't understand it, do some searches OnLine before posting comments against what is actually THE 1st AMENDMENT.


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