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  • Jul 12th, 2011 @ 9:03pm

    Re: The US don't own the world despite what they think

    actually it.s the top level domain that matters. in Techdirt's case that would actually be .us You only see the .com because the internet is in fact a US invention. Therefore Techdirt operates under US law. I agree that certain aspects of being so corporatised is negative - extremely negative in too many cases - but I disagree we would be better off under English rule. Independence wasn't just about taxes. In fact if you read our Declaration of Independence they were a very small part. Even today modern British people tolerate extreme forms of Government interventions of daily life that simply would not be tolerated here. Point being in the end Techdirt.com is in the US and operates from US servers therefore operates under US law. Even if the business was headquartered in another country, if they want to use .com or any other toplevel domain owned by the US, they have to submit to US law.

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