That pretty much succinctly sums up attitudes towards education also! Education needs to be more about how to find information, making informed decisions based on what has been learned and not just memorizing! I have to sign up for Medicare shortly (against my will) but I love what Google has done for helping me to learn and get the information that I need. Another generation from now and the complaint will be that we need to type our searches into Google instead of just thinking them!
When I sign a contract for consulting, part of the contract is a non-compete clause for anywhere from a year to two. We should have the same clause for congressional staff and elected representatives, only it should be 5 years so there original contacts in Congress have grown cold. Better yet, do away with lobbying, but at least the non-lobby clause would be a start.
I have argued for years that the only way to make competition happen is to have the "last mile" be owned and operated independently where providers can go to a local access point. The end user thus has a choice of who is going to provide that bandwidth on his pipe. Laws have been passed to allow long distance on telephone lines, electricity and heating gas, why not the cable lines? Or the lawsuits against local governments installing their own fiber loops should be absolutely thrown out of court.
We paid to get cable so we would not have to watch commercials? And we pay exorbitant prices to go to a theatre and are forced to sit through 20 minutes or so of commercials? It's time for them to quit bellyaching and give us a break! And tv shows are now almost 50 % commercials! How is that fair when we have to pay for them in the first place?
There are some comparisons to scarce vs. infinite goods here. For example, diamonds are a scarce good, performances are a scarce good, but news is fact and can be found, perhaps not infinitely, but certainly abundantly. So to compare the "value" of news and the value of a diamond is apples and pears. I read all my news off of the internet and have no use for a newspaper any more. Before the internet, and before television, all we had was newspapers and journals. Mr. Singleton is trying to make scarce goods out of infinite and put value on facts that can be easily found.
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Google Search
From Government to Lobbyist
Broadband Competition
Journalist License?
Remember when?
Scarce vs. Infinite Goods