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  • Feb 8th, 2022 @ 4:08pm

    Remember thin clients?

    That system was a "Laugh In" contestant, tried so many times, and never succeeded. Until Google's little netbooks. Decades late.

    Games streaming from our servers to your device, whatever it is!
    Success and accolades will be immediately forthcoming.

    Ah, no it won't. Games need good to great latency. In particular if the game is MMO, or PVP. Without latency in acceptable ranges streamed games is a thin client without any infrastructure to back it up.

    There isn't even a Laugh In show anymore. Just show Google <enter buzzwordy name here> the door. Since it's Google, tell them to open the door, go through the door to the outside, and to close the door behind them.

    And make sure they do it.

  • Dec 9th, 2021 @ 3:43pm

    Isn't she known as Weak of Spine

    I recall her name coming up during the open platform discussion regarding a cable box API specification.

    Someone got to her. Either with cash, or playing on her "concerns" which I read as ignorance.

  • Dec 9th, 2021 @ 3:40pm

    Interesting problem, but it's solved!

    Just bid on ads for various people/agencies. Adtech corps are giving private data for free, regardless of their claims of protecting said data.


    Pre tty sure one can place losing bids on various suspects. Gets the data and doesn't cost money.

  • Oct 21st, 2021 @ 5:29pm

    Re: CDN?

    As you can now be an example of, the user solved it themself. It was sufficiently traumatic that the AI would determine no additional effort is required.

    Welcome to Acronym Tech Hell.

  • Oct 20th, 2021 @ 4:02pm

    It just feels wrong

    Imagine having the guts to state this, and when the entire world knows what they mean is; We want more money. Their money should be our money.

    Typical telecom executive, got the position by who they know, not what they know.

  • Oct 7th, 2021 @ 1:12am

    If only we knew how it would work/fail

    Okay, the problem is old as the web/internet. As old as big business having servers.

    To solve it you need two things: A big test environment, that is **not connected to the production environment.

    Now, this part is a bit busy: You must give test/beta access to, and only to, this list of testers; Engineers. Race car drivers/mechanics/engineers. Parents of teens, and a separate group for pre-teens (or your youngest perceived audience).

    After those people have finished trashing it, then you can let actual teens in as well. They will trash it further.

    Why these people? Engineers and the Racers are always working with not enough resources, and too many rules (which are limitations). They spend a lot of energy on circumventing restrictions.

    Parents, do I really have to explain what a teenagers and preteens are capable of? Breaking the rules without breaking them completely is their forte.

    Of course, a lot of expense could be spared if they would just read; It is impossible to moderate at scale, by Mike Masnick. But companies are driven to make fools of themselves and reading will be given to a subordinate to do, and give a two bullet summary next exec meeting.

  • Oct 5th, 2021 @ 5:26pm

    One wonders

    What is the Venn diagram of these cops, cops that rip off people's cash, cops that steal people's cars, cops that add journalists to watch lists, and just plain old bad cops.


  • Oct 5th, 2021 @ 5:22pm

    Re: Re: ACAB

    Missed a letter, A Case A Beer, can either cover Mexican and/or Canadians agreeing with you buying them a case.

  • Oct 5th, 2021 @ 4:52pm

    Fire them all, banish ICE

    CBP, and for that matter, DHS are just sinkholes. They suck the bad people (bad cop syndrome) where they find similar views from other bigoted, racist, and ignorant cops that believe anything they do to protect USA from immigrants, and asylum seekers is valid. Just, don't get caught.

    I doubt if there is one CBP worth keeping. Right now, a paper ticket (okay, laminated) with a number, date and time to let them know who to contact, if asylum seeking, and who to contact for our large illegal alien work force that we need, but Radical Right White Nationalists hate, and a government has yet to find a solution for.

  • Sep 30th, 2021 @ 5:53pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Challenge Accepted

    Yes, it is common in patents.

    Many BS level patents re software and/or computing like saying they have a plurality of computing elements that are linked ... blah-blah-blah ... we have invented EMAIL, and by implication the internet. Everybody owes us all the monies.

  • Sep 30th, 2021 @ 5:19pm

    Reminds me of novice race car drivers

    Novice driver: I got it, I got it.

    Turn worker: Let's get you out of the car so we can tow it back to the track.

  • Sep 19th, 2021 @ 3:04pm

    Bit of a downward spiral for bad cops

    Okay, now their records are available to the public.
    And they might be forced out of their job because they refuse to protect or to serve.

    Still here, good. They cannot get another CA cop job because they have a history of being a bad CA cop.

    Next up is the private sector: Guess who is going to want to access the records of those applying for employment in the private security sector.

    Just imagining racist X-CA-Cop (tm) realizing that a lot of POC, or worse - Black people, are rich and might not want documented racists on their security teams.

    Somewhat delicious from my viewpoint though.

  • Sep 14th, 2021 @ 1:01pm

    The Hill is a sink hole

    During the We Are All Gonna Die administration their quality went sharply downhill as well as more conservative.

    This bit from Armstrong informs me that ignoring The Hill is the right hill to stand firm on.

  • Sep 10th, 2021 @ 4:43pm

    Problem is RuneScape is Free to Play

    F2P are driven by whales and the 10% of the customer/player base that spends any money at all on the game.

    That group tends to buy cosmetics. A mod that gives the cosmetics a bump, for free. Oh baby, oh baby they will be all over that.

    To piss those people off, to piss off the people that were thinking about buying the monthly pass. Classic.
    Lawyers don't realize the market they are actually in vs the one the lawyers made up in their pencil necked heads.

    What management school did they come from: McDonalds?

  • Aug 27th, 2021 @ 1:25pm

    Zucky is tired of being the focal point for his company

    You have to remember who Zucky is; Elitist snob that was searching for hot chicks to "date". Got lucky with his Facebook of hot chick faces, don't know if he got laid as a result and that is a different post.

    He embraced That Fucking Goon, and many GQP ideals because Elizabeth Warren, and Alexandria Orcasio-Cortez wanting to tax the rich. Why I do believe they might have been thinking about taking his precious, precious money. Which Zucky loves more than anything else on the planet. Even Facebook.

    Also, he has a legion of advisors and lawyers that are paid to suck up to the Zucker. However, that has not served him well to date. So maybe he might actually do something reasonable with outside advisory committee aid.

    If only America had a privacy law at the federal level that had teeth in it, and personal liability for each data loss for each individual.

    Yeah, I was thinking about each piece of data as well, but that's too much for the modern legislator to comprehend.

  • Aug 27th, 2021 @ 1:14pm

    Fast thinkers them admins

    My experience as a kid (long time gone) was the average principle and friends thought on their feet. I never saw any of them reach for a book (no web), or call a lawyer that wasn't related to them about violating rights of their students.

    They get pissy, upset about what was said, not whether they had the right to say it. The biggest difference from my experience, my experience with my children, and the modern one is nobody in the front office of any school has the excuse, they didn't know.

    They knew, they just rated their own reaction as more important than The Constitution. Same old, same old.

  • Aug 23rd, 2021 @ 6:59pm

    Data center power usage model

    Google showed up at conference and presented their whizzy solution. Reduce the transformation of DC to AC to DC, and some other bits.

    Some got up in their face because there was an industry wide panel working on just that and they appeared to further down the road than Google.

    If you are absolutely convinced you are the best, then checking your results against the work of others will never occur to you.

  • Aug 21st, 2021 @ 2:43pm

    In hind sight

    The FTC has done squat for reigning in large companies buying up little companies, in particular during Republican administrations. Now it decides that FB is a monopoly because that is the only thing they can take them to court on.

    Will they crush the dreams of many startups?
    Look at their plans; innovate, disrupt, and cash out. Meaning get bought out by Facebook, Apple, Google, or the stock market.

  • Aug 20th, 2021 @ 12:14am

    Welcome to America

    If you are in America you have America's version of Freedom of Speech. While it sounds all encompassing it is actually a very specific type of speech.

    First, "Congress shall pass no law" that limits a bunch of stuff, religion, association, speech, the press, the right to assemble to tell the gov that their citizens are unhappy with them.

    Now, nobody in Afghanistan is protected by our 1st Amend.

    Back in America, Facebook has its own 1st Amend protections, which includes freedom of association. Which includes, for those that don't want to go to a logical place, freedom to not associate with people and/or groups they happen to disagree with.

    America's social media platforms are private businesses. They are not part of the government, and they cannot curtail the 1st Amend because they are not "Congress"

    Thank you for coming to my 1st Amend talk. Again.

  • Aug 18th, 2021 @ 1:28pm

    Got it, he hates tech

    Also, supporting the dude who wrote "... our public square ..." is actually a screw-up and needs to read Mike's articles re:
    Content moderation at scale
    You are here because you're wrong about section 230
    And Popehats You are here because you're wrong about 1st Amend

    Our public square indeed. Clown.

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