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  • May 12th, 2018 @ 12:11pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

    You are the dumbest human being alive.

    Brain-dead is a figure of speech you moron, damn you must take EVERYTHING literally.

    Can you prove your not completely full of shit?

    Didn't think so.
  • May 12th, 2018 @ 10:05am

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    Ah yes the classic response of someone who is severely brain-dead, bet i've played more games then you ever moron, go back to sucking off Milo.
  • May 12th, 2018 @ 8:35am

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    You have to be a CEO of these publishers to be this fucking thick, get lost Patrick Wilson you greedy piece of shit.
  • May 11th, 2018 @ 11:35pm

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    Clear you are just spouting random gibberish in a pathetic attempt to sound smarter then you actually are.

    You're not helping your case by blindly defending publishers right to screw customers over.

    It IS fucking true, these publishers are so rich they don't need microtransactions, they get along without just fine for decades before, don't be so fucking naive.

    Even if it is seasonal it's still manipulative as fuck cause you know Blizzard is counting on people panicking and buying as many lootboxes as possible to get those rare skins.

    The skins ARE part of the gameplay in Overwatch, might not be the main reason why people bought the game, but you are foolish if you think they have ZERO impact on the game, they do, deal with it dumbass.

    You are the only spouting flat out lies here dumbass.

    You sure do love your false dichotomies don't you?

    Plenty of reviews don't obsess over graphics you brain-dead POS

    None of your asinine posts are based in reality.

    Scientific my ass.

    Game reviews are getting more and more irrelevant now, lots of gamers are basing their purchases on Youtubers, who don't obsess over graphics nearly as much as website reviews do.

    You communicate like shite, you sound like a PR shill.

    So you admit to not watching Jim's show? Clearly then you've not watched any of the links to his show i've sent you, which makes your statements disproving him a bunch of bullshit, all you've proven is how dumb you are.

    You've done fuck all to refute me beyond blathering a bunch of nonsense PR buzzwords that mean nothing to anyone except soulless execs.

    Not watching Jim does mean you can't prove him wrong since you have no fucking clue what he was even talking about, goddamn that's some insane troll logic right there.

    Like Jim has said, we need less of these "live services" and more game variety, these live services are going to fail inevitably because nobody is going to have time to play more then one of those types of games at a time. No way Anthem isn't going to be a major flop.

    Servers don't need microtransactions to support them moron, goddamn you have severe brain damage if you believe that.

    You stupid to admit you are wrong about anything.
  • May 11th, 2018 @ 9:30pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

    Wow you just keep getting dumber and dumber.

    Clearly you don't know Jim well at all, it's not about needing "pull" to get comments featured on the show, Jim has a specific email address where viewers can send him comments they see on the internet, and it's purely up to chance whichever comments he picks, though i'm sure he'll definitely be interested in yours, your exactly the kind of person he despises, can't wait for Jim to give you the thorough ass-reaming you so rightfully deserve for blindly defending capitalism.

    Again you are being too literal, I don't mean stop marketing all together, I mean you don't need to spend millions of dollars on things that don't actually sell your game very well. Jim gave a very good example in this episode about how Square Enix couldn't stop fucking with Deus Ex(basically SE spent untold millions on something on Youtube called DXTV which was supposed to help promote Deus Ex, but barely anyone even knew the damn thing existed, so SE wasted a whole lot of money for nothing, same deal with EA paying fighter jets to promote Battlefield 4 that nobody even fucking noticed):

    Blizzard DOES make effort into tricking you into buying lootboxes, you have to be willfully ignorant to not see that, a game does not have to beat you over the head with microtransactions for it to be a bad business model, as Jim has said multiple times, microtransactions that are more subtle and sinister in nature(like Overwatch and Destiny 2) can be worse in many ways.

    Actually no your example is terrible, some games hold up, others don't, few will disagree about Crysis still holding up today.

    Polls can easily be very misleading, one poll from one website means fuck all in the grand scheme of things, here's another poll that shoots your pathetic little theory to shreds: ics-in-a-vid-1445714/

    Your posts are not based in reality, you assume that corporations are people's friends and can never ever be truly evil(at least not when it comes to video games)

    Just cause "all games to exist to make money" does not make money-grubbing business models OK, you are seriously think-headed and narrow-minded if you cannot grasp that.

    Cosmetics ARE part of the gameplay because players want to look good, and when Overwatch pulls something like that bullshit they did with those limited-time-only summer olympic skins, only a true moron or delusional fanboy could possible believe Blizzard were not being manipulative in any way.

    You have to be one of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet with all the mental gymnastics you are doing to defend Blizzard.
  • May 11th, 2018 @ 7:55pm

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    Course they won't go away entirely, but at the rate that countries are making laws against this kind of exploitative crap, they won't be in anything but free to play games(at least I hope so)

    Jim has played Overwatch and thinks you are full of crap.

    Um did I say China banned them? NOOOOOOOOO Who's disingenuous now fool? Also if China "didn't have a problem" with their lootboxes, they NEVER would've made that law in the first place, damn you are naive.

    I'm largely echoing what Jim has said, he's claimed many times that these big publishers are pleading poverty and i'm inclined to agree with him.

    I'm just stunned at how dumb you are to blindly get taken up the ass by these publishers who only care about making money and exploiting people and nothing else: s-for-fifa-19/

    Easy way to make NBA 2K not look like a mobile game-don't have fucking microtransations! Damn you are so think it's almost comical.

    I'm insulted at how little you seem to care about consumers and seem to be acting like publishers are being mistreated because customers dare to have a problem with being exploited.

    I'm going to save your stupid comments so that Jim can brutally mock them on his show Commentocracy, can't wait for him to make you look like an even bigger moron then you already are.

    FYI, console gamers you personally know are not "most console gamers", lots of console gamers I know aren't that big on graphics.

    I know how Overwatch works moron, clearly it is you who does not.

    Nobody said anything about a "moral compass" idiot, just that is people's concern if companies want to exploit them.

    You don't understand Overwatch fool, get lost you pathetic Blizzard fanboy/shill.

    Don't give me that "too poor to afford a game" nonsense, that does NOT automatically make it OK for publishers to nickel and dime people, god i'll bet you think everyone on food stamps or welfare is a parasite(and i'll bet you REALLY hate minorities).

    If they've got "legitimate business costs" maybe they can stop fucking spending millions of dollars on marketing campaigns that gamers largely do not give a shit about.

    The original Tomb Raider was 2-3 generations before Destiny, terrible example.

    Jim's opinions of Overwatch has gone down over time, he may have given it a 9 at first, but if you've kept up with the videos and podcasts like I have, you'd realize that Jim's enjoyment of the game lessened over time because of the terrible businesses practices, i'll never understand people who claim to be against lootboxes but bend over backwards to defend Overwatch, that's blatant hypocrisy

    Just cause there's no "law against being a greedy jerk" does not automatically make it OK for companies to exploit people for everything they're worth nor does it mean people are not allowed to complain about it, that's nonsense.

    I don't agree with everything Jim says(he's not that big on open world games and I quite enjoy them, also I like the Xbox One more then he does) but when it comes to microtransactions and lootboxes, i'm with Jim 100%
  • May 11th, 2018 @ 10:35am

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    Damn you are so ignorant it's almost comical.

    You are naive if you don't believe the bubble will burst.

    Did you watch any of the videos I linked? Clearly not, otherwise would not be spewing ignorant garbage and blindly sucking off big publishers.

    Microtransactions should ONLY exist in free to play games, but they don't belong anywhere near full-priced games.

    There is not "ZERO game impact in Overwatch, that is total BS, China clearly didn't think there was zero impact considering they passed a law to try and force Blizzard to disclose what the odds of getting items from lootboxes were, but Blizzard being the shady and greedy bastards they are tried to skirt around the law via using loopholes:

    Yo u are taking things FAR too literally, a company does literally have to say "i'm begging for money" to be begging for money. What I mean these companies are greedily asking customers to spend money on all kinds of crap besides the games themselves, yet they have the gall to claim about how expensive games are when they are all too happy to throw money at stupid marketing stunts nobody cares about(I.E. EA paying to have fighter jets promote Battlefield)

    How they run their business IS "our business" if they are being greedy bastards and trying to nickle and dime customers for all they are worth.

    Let me guess you're a Trump supporter right? Only explanation I can find for your painfully ignorant you are with your "capitalism is awesome!" nonsense.

    Bet you don't give a rat's ass about poor people.

    There's only so far games can come in terms of looks, we are not going to see nearly as big of a dramatic leap in visuals as we have for the previous few generations. My point is you were full of crap when talking about Jim's videos, PUBG isn't a very good looking game but it's still succesful.

    Publishers certainly are trying to make regular console games more like mobile games and that's no coincidence. Notice how the screenshots of the buy-able currency screen in last year's NBA2K game look virtually indistinguishable from the hundreds of crappy mobile games.

    You have to be the single most willfully ignorant person i've ever met, you seem to want to fight for publishers to screw off over as many people as possible, people like you are why the recession happened.

    No most console gamers do not DEMAND super ultra mega good graphics, that's nonsense.

    I did in fact find a PC gamer who thinks obsession over graphics is stupid and would be just fine with a game that looked PS2 quality-TotalBiscuit, one of the most respected PC gaming critics out there. I'm guessing you've never heard of him though.

    You are the one that does not understand how Overwatch works, Blizzard wants to manipulate you into blowing all your money, again Jim expertly breaks down why that game's business model is so sleazy:

    https:/ /
  • May 11th, 2018 @ 8:49am

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    Yes they have plead poverty countless times, why else would they constantly asking their customers for handouts?

    You are the most blatant shill i've ever seen, it's pathetic.

    Here's how they are dodging taxes:

    Jim did not get anything wrong or misunderstand anything, but you sure as hell did. PUGB's graphics are nothing special, certainly does not look very next-gen. There are games from 5-10 years ago that look better(I.E. Crysis)

    Well graphical quality isn't going to improve that much over time with how realistic things like now.

    Free to play games having microtransactions is fine, but full-priced games like Overwatch and Destiny 2 having them is just unacceptable. These Fee To Pay games as Jim calls them are exploitative and he perfectly explains why in these three videos:

    https:/ /

    Like Jim has said, the "it's just cosmetic" is total BS, he perfectly explains why, it DOES affect gameplay because cosmetics are part of the game:

    You don't understand just how much money those big publishers have, they do not NEED microtransactions to be able to afford to make games.

    Square Enix has no room to beg people for money and then turn around and keep on inventing new engines for every video game when nobody was asking them to do it.

    You clearly don't know a damn thing about finances.

    At this rate the big publishers WILL go bankrupt if they keep depending on microtransactions as sooner or later that bubble will burst.
  • May 11th, 2018 @ 8:46am

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    Um yes he did, you are blind if you think he did not.

    Plenty of gamers don't care that much about graphics, the popularity of mobile games certainly proves that.

    Publishers HAVE tons of money already, they don't need microtransactions to be able to afford. Plus these games wouldn't cost so much if publishers didn't waste untold millions on things like marketing.
  • May 10th, 2018 @ 10:04pm

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    Damn you are so naive it's hilarious, corporations should NOT be pleading poverty when they are avoiding paying millions for taxes via overseas tax shelter laws they themselves created.

    Even with all that stuff you mentioned, they could easily spend money on all that stuff without microtransactions and not be in any danger of going broke.

    Once again I refer to Jim Sterling to singlehandedly destroy that nonsense argument that only delusional fanboys and shills for big publishers(i'm guessing you are both) honestly believe:
  • May 10th, 2018 @ 6:46pm

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    Nonsense, those publishers are so rich they don't NEED cosmetic stuff to keep their games running, to anyone that actually believes that asinine garbage-i've got a bridge to sell you.
  • May 10th, 2018 @ 2:22pm

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    Those videos are pure BS, EC has been going downhill for years and them blindly defending big publishers is the final nail in the coffin. Jim Sterling expertly deconstructed why their arguments were total nonsense:
  • May 10th, 2018 @ 8:13am

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    You sound just like a shill for the big publishers.
  • May 10th, 2018 @ 7:43am


    The difference is with Magic you can always sell or trade cards you don't need. But for the most part you can't really do that with in-game items you get via microtransactions(CS:GO being an exception).

    It's not gambling, it's FAR worse then gambling because it does not have the same kind of oversight and laws that real gambling does, Jim Sterling expertly made that point.
  • May 10th, 2018 @ 7:41am

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    Personally i'm not OK with ANY kind of microtransactions in full-priced games, the whole "it's just cosmetic
    " argument is total BS and people blindly defending it is how we got here in the first place.

    Jim Sterling single-handedly destroyed that asinine argument here:

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