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  • Mar 30th, 2011 @ 6:08am

    Re: Re: UCAN(N) Register any TLD (at no cost)

    Dear Sean

    The App effectively adds an unlimited range of brand new Dashcoms domains and TLDs to the current DNS (plus the new ISP Links will allow all ISP subscribers to resolve Dashcoms at network level without the need for the App).

    But what is this really all about? With around 205 million domain names already registered, trying to find a unique, relevant and memorable address for less than a few million dollars, has become an almost impossible task.

    For the man/woman looking to order a pizza (or anything else?) on-line, it's not about knowing he/she can access over 200 million websites (visiting each site for just a few seconds would take several years...without a pizza break). This is about memorability...ie: trying to remember the website of that place you saw advertised last week somewhere that looked quite good. Internet users want equal access to Domains and TLDs that are easily remembered by other people: without the barrier of million dollar price tags. This is about giving people the opportunity to compete on reasonably equal terms with the minority of Corporations/Multi-Nationals that seem to hold all the cards.

    It's always easy to dismiss new ideas. Not-so-long-ago, people would have thought the Internet itself to be a complete waste of time effort and money. Surely retailers (eg: a certain bookstore) would be mad to waste time, money and resources trying to sell anything over the Inter-Fail? Why on Earth would consumers in their right mind even consider purchasing vastly expensive computers, install/rent new phone lines, buy modems (what's a modem?), buy OS (what's an OS??), learn how to use it all.....Just to buy a book???.....All they had to do was pick up a phone.

    This is no longer a case of whether Dashcom domain names are going to work or who will start the ball rolling: Dashcoms are already being utilized globally. Today, they not only run in parallel to owners' original Dotcom websites, they also run as Dashcom shopfronts in their own right - and yes - some are even being registered by speculators.

    The Internet has never been "one-size-fits-all".
  • Mar 30th, 2011 @ 4:25am

    UCAN(N) Register any TLD (at no cost)

    The contentious XXX extension will have no affect on adult Dotcom websites; the adult Dotcoms will remain unchanged. Furthermore, with so much adverse publicity - including threats by Governments to block XXX country by country - many will look to avoid the XXX webspace completely. For those compelled to reserve domains defensively, it's likely that anonymity will be required as names get set as Unresolvable and/or Unknown. The outcome? Perhaps a mass of "For Sale" signs by speculators looking to offload their XXX investments.

    All ICANN is doing is to openly advance fragmentation of the Web whilst encouraging people to find new ways of making the most of their surfing experience. The result is that Internet users are now bypassing ICANN to create their own unique, memorable and personalised range of brand new Dashcom Domains and TLDs, totally free.

    Companies such as Dashworlds.com have already taken on board the points made over the years by Techdirt and others and now provide real choice in the form of brand new Dashcom (not Dotcom) domain names. Dashcoms are unique and memorable addresses in format "business-com", "paris-fashion", "social-network" (and of course any XXX your heart might desire). Totally outside the realm and control of ICANN, Internet users can create any domain or TLD in any language, instantly and at no cost.

    With users and members in over 90 countries worldwide, resolution is via an APP; although new ISP Links are available to make this unnecessary (ISP Links that are also available to ICANN).

    Having just one Internet floating in infinite cyberspace is like saying you can go anywhere in the USA as long as you only use route 66. So now, just as in the USA (and everywhere else in the world) the Internet has more than one option.
  • Mar 23rd, 2011 @ 5:32am

    To Divide and Rule? ....No, To Unite and Enhance (as Dashworlds)

    The current political/ICANN climate simply persuades people to vote with their feet to find new ways of improving their Web experience. One result is that Internet users everywhere can now create an unlimited range of unique and previously unseen Non-ICANN domains and TLDs without cost.

    Sites such as Dashworlds.com provide free domain names in the format "business-com", "paris-fashion" and "social-network" (examples only). Totally outside the realm and control of ICANN, Internet users can create any domain or any TLD in any language, instantly and at no cost whatsoever (and of course Dashcoms can't collide with Dotcoms).

    With users and members in over 90 countries worldwide, resolution is via an APP although new ISP links are available to negate that need (links that are also available to ICANN).

    Not-so-long-ago, people would have thought the Internet itself to be a complete waste of time effort and money. After all why would you want to buy a hugely expensive computer, get an extra phone line, buy a modem, buy an OS, learn how to use it all....Just so you could read the news? All you had to do was walk down to the newsagent...or simply turn on the not-so-flatscreen television.

    Having just one Internet arena floating in infinite cyberspace is like saying you can visit anywhere in the USA as long as it's on Route 66. So now, just as in the USA and everywhere else in the world, the Web has more than one option.
  • Feb 14th, 2011 @ 9:20am

    New Domains and TLDs Already Here

    Brand new addresses have already been launched under categories such as music, sports, social and many more. For the first time, Internet users can create their own set of Domain Names and TLDs totally free, all without any reference to ICANN.

    ISPs such as Dashworlds.com offer a parallel Internet using new Dashcom (not Dotcom) Domain Names. Dashcoms are brand new web addresses in the format http://sports-com or http://stock-market or http://human-rights (Examples Only). With users and members in over 90 countries worldwide, resolution is via an APP (although ISP links are now available to negate that need).

    Things change and grow. Not-so-long ago, people would have thought a web based magazine such as this to be a waste of time, effort and money. After all why would anyone want to fork out for hugely expensive computers, sign up for extra phone lines, buy modems and routers, buy an OS, learn how to use it all....Just so they could read a magazine?....Why?....When all they had to do was walk down to the local store.

    Having just one Internet in infinite cyberspace is like saying you can go visit anywhere in America just as long as you stick to route 66. So today, just as in the USA (and everywhere else in the world) the Internet has more than one road to travel.

    No, it's not ICANN, but it's the first real and viable alternative to hit the Internet. It works and it�s growing.
  • Dec 1st, 2010 @ 5:22pm

    Alternative DNS already here (DASHCOMs)

    Non-ICANN Domain names are already available at http://dashworlds.com

    New DASHCOM domains can now be registered totally free (Includes option to create your own TLDs)

    Examples of new domains:





    (DASHCOM domains also offers ISP link in options)

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