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  • Oct 1st, 2021 @ 10:33am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

    Ah. Finally we can agree on something. The news media here is short on facts and long on opinion. That is why we are such a divided nation on the verge of a civil war.

  • Oct 1st, 2021 @ 10:18am

    Re: Re: Re: Re:

    This is what I wrote to someone else

    First of all nobody hates bad cops more than good cops. Good cops pay for the actions of bad cops. My son was standing in formation being call a racist piece of shit for what a cop a thousand miles away in Minneapolis did. I’ve asked my son if he had ever seen a cop do something illegal and he said no and that shouldn’t be surprising. Most cops value their careers and freedom much too much to risk doing something that might get caught on a video. He did say there are occasions where he would advise another cop on a better way to handle something but that’s it.

  • Oct 1st, 2021 @ 10:14am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

    We have credit ratings that determine if you have a history of not paying your bills. When I was in my early 20’s I maxed my credit cards and found myself way over my head in debt. It took nearly 8 years to break even. During that time I was turned down for car loans and apartments and had to pay cash for everything. Once I straightened out my credit, the same people who had turned me down were more than happy to have my business and couldn’t care less whether I was Black or White.

    Attorney General Keith Ellison said had he seen racism he would have charged Chauvin with a Hate Crime. The worst police beating in US history was against Kelly Thomas a White guy. The police officers were fired but not tried for murder. Why? Racism?

    Racism is more often than not a self-serving excuse and there are those who are skilled at using it.
    Late for work—racism.
    Failed a test—racism.
    Flat tire—racism.
    Toast is cold—racism.
    Didn’t get a promotion—racism.
    Got cancer—racism.
    Couldn’t get a loan—racism.
    Dog bit me—racism.
    Got evicted—racism.

  • Oct 1st, 2021 @ 9:37am

    (untitled comment)

    Your numbers are still way off! Try this not so officer friendly website.


    Of those countries on the list none have the gangs or guns that the US has.

    The rest of what you said is also wrong.

    When my son completed his academy (10 months) he was hired by the Sheriff’s department and assigned a training officer. He was amazed by his training officer because when they pulled someone over his training officer would ask if they were on probation. The training officer didn’t ask everyone but 90% of the ones he did ask said yes. My son wanted patrol, but after completing his training he was told “you can’t spot the bad guys and you don’t know the area” and he was assigned to work in the jails and spent the next 3 years there. After 6 months in the jails he told me he could spot someone who had been to prison just by the way they walked down the street or by the way they acted around him.

    My daughter-in-law spent 2 years as MP in the army and had a degree in Criminal Justice before she hired on to the Sheriff’s department. My son’s favorite joke is “I met my wife in jail”.

    My daughter wanted to be an FBI agent since she was 4 years old. She doesn’t work for the FBI but is doing exactly the same work for a different agency. She has a master’s degree in Forensic Investigation. She met my son-in-law when they both working on the US Capitol police department.

  • Oct 1st, 2021 @ 8:40am

    Re: Re: Re: Re:

    First of all nobody hates bad cops more than good cops. Good cops pay for the actions of bad cops. My son was standing in formation being call a racist piece of shit for what a cop a thousand miles away in Minneapolis did. I’ve asked my son if he had ever seen a cop do something illegal and he said no and that shouldn’t be surprising. Most cops value their careers and freedom much too much to risk doing something that might get caught on a video. He did say there are occasions where he would advise another cop on a better way to handle something but that’s it.

    While my son has never shot anyone, my daughter in law has. She was tasked with serving felony warrants and the man she was serving fled so she gave chase. She and her partner cornered the guy and he came at her so she maced him. The man turned his back, reached in his pocket and pulled out a buck knife and came at her again. She fired 3 shots. The first one went into the ground, the next two went into his chest. Fortunately the man lived. My granddaughter was 3 at the time.

    BTW Doctors and nurses kill 100s of times more people every year in the US than the police. Maybe we should start throwing them in jail and see how many people want to enter the medical field.

  • Sep 30th, 2021 @ 1:22pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re:

    Let me put it another way. If you make everything about race then everything is racist. Doctors, teachers, dogs, cats, hurricanes, police, global warming, dairy, cigarettes, being on time, doing your best, band aids, liberals, conservatives, education, and a million other things have been labeled racist. In the same way you can use six degrees of separation to link every human being to Kevin Bacon there are those who will link every noun to racism. If it exists, it is racist and they can prove it.

    Having traveled quite a bit around the world, I KNOW race has NOTHING to do with character. I have seen the same person in Spain that I saw in Fiji, that I saw in Jamaica, that I saw in London, etc. Same mannerisms, sense of humor, love of family, all the good found in the best of people. I grew up in the 50s and 60s and we were taught to judge people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. Now we are being told by some that the most important part of a person is their race. Let’s fast forward that concept and see where it leads because eventually we will judge a race not by its best but by its worst members.

  • Sep 30th, 2021 @ 12:31pm

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    Generally if I want the unvarnished truth I have to rely on a source outside the US like the Daily Mail or Al Jazeera. But I have every confidence that when the news outlets report the death of a child they’re not joking.

  • Sep 30th, 2021 @ 12:23pm

    Re: Re:

    Let me call BS on your facts. Truth is…

    Police in the US kill approximately 1000 people each year in a country of 333 million people with at least that many guns. That includes car accidents and suicide by cop. The majority of them are White and the VAST, VAST majority are male. There are approximately 20,000 gangs and a million gang members in the US with just under 90% of their membership being POC. Black men (only 6% of the population) are responsible for more than half the murders in the US. While Blacks kill mostly Blacks they also kill twice as many Whites every year as Whites kill Blacks.

    Given the fact that in 2020 the police killed 983 men and only 38 women why aren’t the police considered more sexist than racist? That’s rhetorical we both know the answer.

    Given the fact that only 6% of the population is responsible for more than half the murders in the US maybe the TALK should include “DON’T KILL PEOPLE”.

    Given the fact that Blacks kill mostly Blacks and therefore make up nearly half the murder victims in the US wouldn’t it be more racist to allow that to go unchecked than to try and do something about it? In the endeavor to do something about it I will grant racism without racist intent. Police have limited tools to stop the killings with the most effective being proactive policing. In areas of more gun violence and crime they (the policy makers) will send more police to make more stops in an effort to separate guns from the potential perpetrators. That was somewhat effective and greatly reduced the murder rates from their highs in the 90s. The police know from the victims that most of the perpetrators in that area are not White, not female, not Asian, and not old, then when they encounter the remaining demographic there is the tension and suspicion that Black men have complained about.

    If you believe there are no good cops then let’s do the experiment and eliminate them from a small area and see what happens. Maybe like CHOP in Seattle—Oh wait, that didn’t turn out so well. Maybe we should go overseas to recruit since nobody here in their right mind wants to do the job anymore. Maybe even hire entire police departments from a city of your choice and see how they fare. Better yet you do it, they are dishing out signing bonuses. BTW Black people are disproportionally represented in the criminal demographic of every country in the world so don’t look for that to change.

  • Sep 29th, 2021 @ 10:06am

    Re: Re:

    Murders are up 30% this year. Try this, every Monday google “people shot and killed in Chicago over the weekend”. The answer will usually include at least one under the age of 10.

    I wouldn’t want my son to risk his life for you, but he probably would.

  • Sep 29th, 2021 @ 9:51am

    Re: Re:

    If you think everything is about race, you are probably a racist. As bad as the George Floyd murder was, the murder of Kelly Thomas was worse but neither was motivated by racism. Keith Ellison said if he had seen any evidence of racism he would have charged Chauvin with a hate crime.

    My son (like most cops) loved his body cam. I have nothing against videos but sometimes they are very misleading. My son told me of an episode he was involved in. There was this Black guy in his late 40s or early 50s who liked to sit in a wheelchair (he could walk btw), get drunk and harass people walking by. More often than not, he would piss and shit himself so everyone dreaded getting the call. My son got the call only this time the guy was on something. He was jerking and twitching and seemed scared and started yelling “I’m sorry, I’m sorry”. My son soon realized he was saying “I’m sorry” because he couldn’t control his body so my son called for an ambulance. Since paramedics won’t touch him until he has been restrained on a gurney my son also called for backup. Had someone videoed the incident they would have seen 4 policemen using all their strength to drag a Black man out of a wheelchair who was screaming “I’m sorry, I’m sorry”. By the time they got the man on the gurney, my son and the three other cops were exhausted and hadn’t noticed the man had quit breathing. Fortunately the paramedics were able to revive him.

    My son did everything right and probably saved the man’s life but had the man died and an out of context video made the news, I’m sure my son would have been used as an example of just another racist cop run amok.

  • Sep 28th, 2021 @ 3:57pm

    (untitled comment)

    This article is so full of ignorant insensitive rhetoric it can only contribute to police feeling demonized and isolated. As a Vietnam era veteran I can relate to those feelings of betrayal when you volunteer to risk your life for your country and then are vilified by the very people you did it for. As a father of two in law enforcement whose spouses are also in law enforcement I know their motivation for doing the job, the pride they took in doing it and the betrayal they now feel. During a demonstration in Seattle a city councilwomen was laughing and giggling while next to her was a protester with a bull horn telling the police to “please kill yourself so we don’t have to”. My son was standing in formation at a demonstration when a green and orange haired young women who had never met him before started to lecture him about what a racist piece of shit he was and how his children should be ashamed of him. My son had been on patrol longer than she had been alive. The Principle at my granddaughter’s school sent home a letter to all the parents about how we must stand united against the “racist police”.

    The police are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. If they use proactive policing to get guns off the streets then they are called racists and if they don’t then they are “not doing their job”. The felons and parolees who once feared being caught with a gun can now arm themselves and drive or walk around knowing they won’t get stopped. If they do they’ll simply flee and the police won’t or can’t give chase.

    Since the WOKE have linked EVERYTHING to racism every police encounter with POC is viewed as a possible hate crime not only by the “community” but by the mayors, city officials and now even the President. Children are being murdered weekly so soon these same politicians will demand police officers go out into a much more dangerous and hostile environment to restore order. No one should blame them for walking and not running to do that.

    My son once told me he would do the job for free if they just paid him enough to sustain his family. Now he says “I am so done!” My daughter in law has retired and my son has transferred from patrol after 25 years. He has 3 years to retirement. Needless to say he will be advising my grandchildren not to risk their lives for the ungrateful.

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