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  • Mar 13th, 2013 @ 10:11am


    Its not paranoid if someone's life is in jeapordy because of material discussed in the trial. Manning only wanted to be famous for a few minutes and didnt care how many people died because of it. . He's not your friend and brought this on himself.
  • Mar 13th, 2013 @ 10:08am

    (untitled comment)

    Josh, Apparently, either you did not read my comment or you did not understand what I said. The classifications can go up when the material is put together. Also, even stuff classified as confidential is not to be released as it can be reclassified as stated above. And yes he did say he researched each document which means he was lying.
  • Mar 13th, 2013 @ 8:16am

    Manning recording

    There is just a few problems with his assurtion that he leaked nothing that would harm the country. The first is he did not have the time to research the tens of thousands of documents he stile and released. Next is he did not have the training or experience to determine what would or would not hurt the country. 3rd Many classified documents are classified only because the the information contained has been gathered from multiple sources and put in a cohesive manner that even a non analyst could understand and see the big picture. Lastly the unstable emotional state manning has been in for years before he joined the army would not allow him to make a logical judgement on anything. This guy needs to spend the rest of his life in jail at hard labor. We will never know how much harm he did or how many people died because if its release. Which I believe pleases him greatly.
  • Mar 13th, 2013 @ 8:16am

    Manning recording

    There is just a few problems with his assurtion that he leaked nothing that would harm the country. The first is he did not have the time to research the tens of thousands of documents he stile and released. Next is he did not have the training or experience to determine what would or would not hurt the country. 3rd Many classified documents are classified only because the the information contained has been gathered from multiple sources and put in a cohesive manner that even a non analyst could understand and see the big picture. Lastly the unstable emotional state manning has been in for years before he joined the army would not allow him to make a logical judgement on anything. This guy needs to spend the rest of his life in jail at hard labor. We will never know how much harm he did or how many people died because if its release. Which I believe pleases him greatly.

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