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  • Dec 28th, 2020 @ 12:46pm

    it's all marketing

    I've got one of those fancy iphones with the 5G and all I ever get is the LTE.

    But my Public Utility District has fiber to the house with 10gig up and down.

    I live in the example of why the monopoly carriers are shit and the public would do a better job on their own.

  • Dec 7th, 2020 @ 5:13pm

    A bit more to the story

    The Tallahasse Democrat has a bit more information...(Sorry, I'm not a link wizard) entist-who-built-covid-19-dashboard-rebekah-jones/6482817002/ It looks like they served a warrant because someone accessed a custom built messaging system used for notifying people during emergencies. The system has one username and password that everyone uses, or so the article says. More than 17,000 people received the illicit message, so chances are the password was long ago completely compromised. I'd expect some sort of hacking charges or unauthorized access charges to be leveled against her with plenty of pressure to take a deal. Since this involves the internet, it is quite likely that the Feds get to have a hand in it - knowing how much they love this sort of thing. The article mentions that there are a lot of former employees who were purged from the various agencies using the insecure message system who might also be motivated to put a message on the system urging recipients to speak up about the dead and dying. No where are there any other former employees mentioned as having been raided. It is my observation that when law enforcement thinks that a group of people is behind some act, they raid the whole group and then it makes the news (if it makes the news at all). This sure seems like a clear case of scapegoating.
  • Jan 3rd, 2020 @ 7:48pm


    Risk factors - like spending time with certain other people. Boys spending time with girls. Who was at that party in the dorm room where alcohol was involved. Who was there before and who came after we busted them? How many of these parties did they have this semester?

  • Jan 3rd, 2020 @ 7:45pm

    Something not said

    This is about behavior control, but not the ones that are being discussed. This is not about attendance, or grades, or preventing suicides. This about controlling the social and sexual interactions of the students.

    When I went to college, the university was very interested in where the students were - especially lunch areas and dorms. The administration did not care who went to the library, but they very much cared about who visited the dorms. And they cared about lunch room attendance. If it involved food or sex, they cared. A Lot.

    Why? We were told it was because of crime. Can't trust people to not steal. Someone is going to do it. Oh and here is a list of rules about having girls visit the boys dorm and vice versa. The crime did go on, but more often that occurred in the parking lots at night than in the dorm. But what happened often was a girl in the boys dorm and vice versa. The sexes want to hook up and will find a way to do it. Getting caught was a real pain in the butt and could lead to expulsion from school - but only if you were living on campus.

    Being able to track the student location on campus will start in the class rooms and soon be in the dorms. No bribable RA to look the other way when a member of the opposite sex is over after hours. The fact that they are looking for changes in behavior patterns tells me that this is exactly what they are looking for. X and Y meet in class. X and Y begin to show up together in areas. They leave campus and return together - a date perhaps? Then X's phone goes idle one night at the same time Y's shows idle or a minimum amount of activity. A sexual event between X and Y? What about X and Y together in a dorm while the room mate is away? These things will be examined. A campus counselor making the wrong assumption about X and Y's behavior and showing up for some sort of behavior intervention will not be pleasant. The data will be taken as fact, regardless of the plethora of inaccuracies inherent in it, and certainly over the word of some miscreant lying youth.

    Don't forget that data is manipulatable, corruptible, and easily compromised. It won't be hard for this to become a nightmare.

    Going to college should not be the Human version of the BBC documentary The Secret Life of the Cat.

  • May 4th, 2015 @ 7:57am

    All this piracy

    This is so lazy on the part of the piracy victims. If they wanted to they could eliminate all piracy completely. Here's how: Sell tickets to the event. Ensure that no electronics are allowed into the building - say every attendee has to change clothes into an event jumpsuit along with a good strip search - the TSA could help here (some off duty hours to those dedicated airport security mavens.) Cell phone jammers and some of that nice fake cell tower technology the FBI won't admit to using would prevent anything from leaking out. Cut off all the phone, DSL, Cable, Internet from the building, and jam all radio transmissions during the event.

    Viola - no piracy just like in 1810.
  • Dec 23rd, 2014 @ 8:36am


    As long as the cable companies control the connection from the distribution box to the house or business, they won't care about the fate of the content creators. They are not in the content creation business. They are in the connection business. So all of their work is about making monopolies on those connections. Getting rid of a cable company in the loop is hard, even when you have public supported fiber. Eventually their sloth and apathy will do them in.

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