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  • Dec 28th, 2017 @ 2:45am

    (untitled comment)

    Let's all drop everything to pay all possible assistance to The Police State! Stop everything you're doing, someone spit at a Cop! If the pigs--I mean, Cops, can't accept the fact that danger is part of the gig, them let them quit to get jobs as milkmen, or in Trump's coal mines. I for one almost never watch television, but I don't look forward to having my cell-phone or anything else disturbed and perturbed by -- O No!! -- A precious Cop is in some kind of danger somewhere! No shit, Sherlock!
  • Nov 9th, 2017 @ 8:56am

    (untitled comment)

    We all know it takes a big, strong, brave boy-in-blue to protect himself and the rest of society against a frightening, boisterous 12 pound terrier. Just look at the written report: it's obvious this pig has the intelligence of a squeaky doorknob. The Mayor's idiot nephew, perhaps?
  • Nov 8th, 2017 @ 9:18am

    So what's new?

    No real surprises here from Disney...although it is amusing to see them roll over so quickly. Disney has long been a Fascist enclave, long before Trump & Co. They systematically picked out long-term ABC employees for harassment & eventual firing, after that takeover, just to show they could. (I saw it happen to me and others.) Disney has been in bed with the City of Anaheim for many decades. I remember around 1999, when an unfortunate park visitor was actually decapitated by an out-of-control yardarm on a "Pirates of the Caribbean" play-ship. Anaheim officials dutifully cleaned up the entire scene before CalOSHA state investigators had a chance to do their jobs. Of course, the Disney rats escaped all scrutiny beyond a tongue-lashing for that, and spent wads of money to their team of lawyers, to prove the accident was somehow the fault of the deceased. Disney is comprised of fascist bastards, many of whom did their job interviews on their knees under tables. In a way I'm disappointed to see them cave; I wanted to see how badly their bullshit movies would tank without any critical review or support.
  • Aug 17th, 2017 @ 8:41am

    Eisner's original motive

    The worst irony for loads of ex-ABC "lifers": Michael Eisner stated his reason for originally buying ABC, was that he wanted Disney to own ESPN. Meanwhile ABC radio & TV are destroyed in the process.
  • Jun 23rd, 2011 @ 9:12am


    I've worked in Media for thirty years, for many large companies under all kinds of "interesting" folks riddled with addictions, perversions, and other quirkish tics of personality. One of those large companies was Disney, as I entered my 15th year with ABC (having healthily survived the CapCities takeover in 1985). During Union negotiations at that time, I found an illegal listening device, placed in an area "where Union members are likely to gather". Took the info in good faith to my senior Union officer (with whom I'd worked the entire time). A little over a year later, I could only describe Disney as a whole, as mentally ill at best, and purely evil at the more likely worst. Disney blacklists, owns the Courts (especially in Southern California), and doesn't give a damn about "family" in any form, unless that given form is spending money with Disney at that moment. If two or more Disney honchos take a personal distaste to any individual employee, they are issued carte blanche by the Company to harass, fabricate and blacklist to the point of poverty. I will always thank Disney for showing me the worst of human nature, and for eliminating any sense of pride or loyalty I could ever feel--indeed, for the very feeling of "being STUCK having to make a living", knowing that playground-like tactics can and do thoroughly derail honest careers, with full sanctions by the Courts, and promoters of the "system". As for the basic subject, compare "Lion King" with "Simba"...and get 'hold of some pre-Disney A.A. Milne-edition Pooh/etc., featuring the Disneyectomied humanoid foil Christopher Robin...perfect for a six-year old, without all the overcommercialized Disney bastardization. And how about that sweet ending for Disney's "Pocahontas", who actually died of venereal disease in England, in her early 20s? Lots of companies fit lots of descriptions; Disney is satan.
  • Jul 10th, 2010 @ 3:22am

    Whaddaya expect?

    This should demonstrate the true evil power of Disney, more so than any god or devil, which some in Southern California have seen manifested through Disney's hold over Judges and other facets of the SoCal legal system. Upon its engorgement of ABC, eager Disney managers/political hacks gleefully proved their unending loyalties to the Mausreich, by targeting certain seemingly-indispensible longtime key ABC employees, then using varied means to destroy their careers. These tactics included manufacture of then-new-Internet "evidence", alleging abuses such as pornography downloads (the more creative such efforts involved allegedly-visited URLs of BOTH Straight and Gay sites!), along with wrongful terminations and subsequent Blacklisting of individuals. Some of these Employees (especially those represented by NABET) proceeded to seek redress in the Courts, only to be met with moves designed strictly to intimidate, including the "purchases" of Plaintiffs' attorneys, and no doubt of Judges as well...all with full silent-sanction gladly surrendered by Disney-pocketed NABET hacks). After all, everyone (especially in SoCal and Central Florida) has fond loving memories of frolicking along Disney lanes hand in hand with Mickey, Minnie and Pluto (appropriately named after the Roman god of the Underworld)...how could these wonderful, family-minded, sweet thangs possibly propagate, or even merely represent such evil?? Employees facing critical life-junctures due to age and other circumstances were played against each other like Chess pieces, by overpaid Disney-legal tools, and even by approved outside-attorney firms, manned by old Law School colleagues of said tools...all under the full shuffling smiling approval of NABET. Plenty of good times were had by these purveyors of Wonderful Family Fun, assembling as one to snort rails of cocaine off the career-corpses of the once loyal and valued. In one case involving an ABC man who found a blatantly-illegal listening device during NABET talks, in an area known to house Union employees, Federal laws involving just those circumstances, as well as so-called "whistleblower" and anti-retaliation statutes might as well have been nonexistent; they were most certainly ignored by all involved in "the system", at Disney's corporate behest. Now in 2010, I am surprised to see that this Disney-orchestrated wielding of the actual Federal structure itself, took so long to occur. Heil Walt!

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