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  • Oct 13th, 2015 @ 8:03am

    Apple supported/created unlock possible?

    Just a thought. I have only briefly reviewed the Apple iOS security paper but it seems once you control a device you could, with hardware emulation or replacement with customized components, along with the ability to sign any code as Apple, do about anything with the device. The primary protection for the iOS is the secure boot process and code verified as code signed by Apple. Could Apple create a "special" version of the boot code or any part of the iOS to by-pass selected security? This would not be quick or easy method but may possible on a case by case. This might even require a hardware ROM replacement, or moving the device to an emulator setup, but the iOS security system would see this as a signed authentic system. As long as you do not effect the internal key storage you would have full control of the device with all data intact.

    I am not for back doors or anything like that but just an observation that most of the security is for external attacks but as the manufacture/designer Apple could by-pass most if required with effort.

    Any thought?

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