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  • May 27th, 2010 @ 2:11am

    Who's fighting? the CAG are always fighting for fair play

    The Consumer Action Group (CAG) make a habit of fighting things like this.... so if you want to know who is fighting and how they are getting on check out their forums.

    Its free advice and very well supported (from the shadows by an army of solicitors)


    I have used them several times (not for this) but the appearance of one of their template letters usually ends all unpleasantness
  • Jun 25th, 2009 @ 2:15am

    I like the three strikes

    You share files on the internet. You get caught. Somebody sends you an email saying you've been caught.

    OK so move to a different tracker, server, Beef up security, You get caught again and receive another email.

    Ok its a fair cop I will knock it on the head for a while.

    As it stands at the minute your first and last warning that you have been caught is a demand for payment well into thousands of £/$, with very little possibility of fighting them off. (Unless you truly haven't been sharing)

    I for one would rather get a tap on the shoulder/word to the wise/heads up/forewarned...

    Call it what you will but always better than a summons
  • Jun 11th, 2009 @ 4:58am

    There is such a thing as innocent until

    Proven guilty.

    When Big Business assumes everybody is guilty of breaching copyright and as such refuses to listen to what they say then we are in Big Trouble.

    When the copyrights laws are so complex that not even so called experts can create a definitive definition what hope is there for Joe public?
  • Jun 10th, 2009 @ 1:18am

    I used to buy legal music/audio books

    I've joined a club and pay my price and I download my book. Excellent it works on my PC; next I drop it onto a disc so I can listen to it in the car. Opps sorry you are not allowed to burn this book as the DRM is programmed not to let me.

    Hmmm that's a bit of a pisser. I only wanted this to listen to in the car because I have such a long drive to work. I contact the company and they tell me buy a MP3 player you aren't allowed to convert it to raw MP3 for use in the car. That's stealing.

    I know I look for it on Piratebay. Bingo 1 hour later I have my book on a disc and can listen to it on a car. My book the way I want it.

    I tried to do it the legal way but you won't allow me to use the media I have paid for the way that I want to.

    So you could argue that unfair licensing is driving law abiding netizens to piracy. In my case it's true. Shame on you!
  • Jun 10th, 2009 @ 1:13am

    I buy music or rather audio books digitally

    I've joined a club and pay my price and I download my book. Excellent it works on my PC; next I drop it onto a disc so I can listen to it in the car. Opps sorry you are not allowed to burn this book as the DRM is programmed not to let me.

    Hmmm that's a bit of a pisser. I only wanted this to listen to in the car because I have such a long drive to work. I contact the company and they tell me buy a MP3 player you aren't allowed to convert it to raw MP3 for use in the car. That's stealing.

    I know I look for it on Piratebay. Bingo 1 hour later I have my book on a disc and can listen to it on a car. My book the way I want it.

    I tried to do it the legal way but you won't allow me to use the media I have paid for the way that I want to.

    So you could argue that unfair licensing is driving law abiding netizens to piracy. In my case it's true. Shame on you!

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