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  • Aug 19th, 2009 @ 4:01pm

    (untitled comment)

    This is a great way to steal fans from the more popular Football Manager game (from Sports Interactive - who were the developers of Championship Manager a few years back).
    Let's see if it will work.
  • Jun 24th, 2009 @ 12:24pm

    money, money, money, no work.

    Quote: From the RIAA blog.
    Or performers like Jack Ely, 65, who’s never seen a dime from radio stations airing his “Louie Louie” for more than 40 years.

    This sentence practically says everything. They want someone who made a song 40 years ago to keep getting money today. So make a big hit, and don't work anymore for the rest of your life. Didn't Jack Ely get proper compensation for his work back then? Why should he get more?

    Seems though, they shot themselves on the foot again. Using an example that goes what they are saying. Another dumb mistake. How many times can they screw up?
  • Apr 25th, 2009 @ 7:18am

    (untitled comment) (as Elvis)

    Being from Portugal, it bother's me that a handfull of people are making these decisions for every other nation in the EU.

    More and more I'm seeing american style lobbying in europe (that for me is nothing more that legalized bribing) that in the end will continue to award singers/performers that did one good thing in their life(song, wahtever) and will live off the royalties from just a couple of songs for the rest of their life.

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