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  • Jun 4th, 2015 @ 6:24am

    (untitled comment)

    On behalf of the Association of Erics International, Ordo Universalis, I do hereby accept Eric Snowden into our ancient and hallowed Order, with all the rights and responsibilities incumbent upon him. Keep up the good work, brother Eric.
  • Apr 1st, 2014 @ 3:21pm

    Why I don't have

    I live in Oklahoma and I am blacked out of 4 teams. Texas, Houston, Kansas City, and wait for it, St. Louis. My home, as the crow flies, is 510 miles from St. Louis and 440 from Houston. I can't pick up KMOX or KBME, much less the TV signals. How am I supposed to watch or listen to the game? I certainly can't travel there. Oddly enough, I'm not blocked out of the Colorado Rockies, who are "only" 450 miles away.

    Another reason Bud Selig can kiss my arse.

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