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  • Mar 28th, 2014 @ 7:17pm

    US Home Video Revenue Down 25% Since BitTorrent

    2013 US Home Video Revenues were $18.2B which includes DVD, BluRay, Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO, HBO Go, Vudu, Apple iTunes, PPV, VOD. This is a $8B loss since $26B in 2006 due to piracy. This article is completely disingenuous. Why would piracy affect theater attendance? It competes with home viewing.
  • Jul 30th, 2013 @ 10:47am

    Facts are stubborn things

    25 studies have found that piracy reduces digital content revenues. There are 25% fewer musicians filing taxes as musicians in the US since Napster and those that are left make 45% less money than in 1999.
  • Feb 27th, 2013 @ 10:44pm

    How reliable is the NPD Report?

    The report was based on interviewing people who said that they pirated less a year later. More people were sued for using BitTorrent in 2012 than 2011. What is the reasoning behind believing that people said they pirated less than the year before? Regardless, if an artist wants to give away their music, that is great. The current situation on the internet forces an artist to give away their music. Copyright is a human right. Article 27 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights (2) Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.
  • Feb 18th, 2013 @ 11:20pm

    TPB is organized crime period

    A library pays the people who wrote the books. TPB sells ads to enable people to consume products without compensating the owners and creators. All ad networks are in the process of pulling ads from organized crime sites like TPB. 99.99% of the content indexed by TPB is there without the permission of the people who made the content. In The US, consuming that content is against US Federal law 17 USC 106 and 200,000 people have been sued since 2010 for doing so.
  • Oct 13th, 2012 @ 6:55pm

    Re: Whoops! Let me add something here...

    After the development of recording all first world democracies put in place statutory requirements for musicians to be paid when businesses used their recordings. Musicians/songwriters get paid every time their music is played on the radio or in a bar, live or recorded. That is what a civilized society does. That is why it is illegal to distribute music on the internet without the creator's permission 17 USC 106.
  • Oct 13th, 2012 @ 6:47pm

    Re: Whoops! Let me add something here...

    Weir specifically says that young people will become lawyers and enter other professions if something isn't done about piracy.
  • Oct 12th, 2012 @ 10:37pm

    it has cut musicians incomes in half

    Piracy is a significant contributor to the worldwide depression. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics says that musicians wages are down 45% since p2p technology arrived. US Home video sales (DVD, BluRay, PayTV, VOD, Streaming) are down 25% to $18.5B in 2011 from $25B in 2006.
    The first BitTorrent search engines debuted in 2004. Recorded music is down worldwide from $27B in1999 (Napster) to $15B in 2011. Video Game revenue is down 13% from 2007. Those are real jobs lost that are not coming back until the public realizes that these are your friends and neighbors whose careers are being destroyed by lack of copyright enforcement.
  • Oct 12th, 2012 @ 10:35pm

    Re: RE: Piracy Will Kill Music

    If an artist chooses to give their art away that is great. To force all artists to give their art away for free is tyranny. Bob Weir of the GRATEFUL DEAD tells Barlow on Youtube at last years' music tech summit that if something isn't done about piracy there will be a lot less professional musicians in the world. Comparing tape trading to BitTorrent is like comparing a butter knife to a bulldozer.
  • Oct 5th, 2012 @ 5:16pm

    More fantasy from the piracy industry

    Piracy damages people lives. Period. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics says that musicians wages have decline 45% since 2002. What happened in 2002? Peer-to-peer was in its third year of massive growth. The US recording industry has been cut in half since then. A very small percentage of that loss has affected "fat cats." The great majority of that loss has been job loss and underemployment for tens of thousands of music professionals. That is why "filesharing" without the creator/owner's permission is against US Federal law. CNET has been sued and lost for its part in inducing people to commit copyright infringement. Keep misleading people that "filesharing" is a good and legal activity.
  • May 8th, 2012 @ 5:59pm

    There would be little cost if . . .

    There would be little cost to piracy enforcement if the ISPs just followed the law. ISP's only have safe harbor from their liability due to their subscribers distributing every piece of music, movies, book, software and video game ever made on the Internet for free if they terminate repeat infringers. They get millions of notices of infringement a month which clearly identify their repeat infringers and yet 19% of all internet traffic is used to steal content. So obviously most ISPs are not terminating repeat infringers. If they were, there would be none of the costs mentioned in this article. That is how the DMCA that they agreed to is supposed to work.
  • May 8th, 2012 @ 5:52pm

    Facts are stubborn things

    Techdirt says there is no connection between 9,947 Petabytes of infringing data transfers in the US and declining revenue. The US movie industry home video and box office was approx. $28B in 2011, down from $37B in 2006. Music was $6B in 2011 down from $12B in 2000. According to Sandvine 18% of US Internet traffic is P2P filesharing and 5% is used for sites like Megaupload. Cisco states that North America used an average of 9,947 Petabytes (1 million Gigabytes) a month in 2011, which would mean that 7,899 Petabytes were used to illegally use movies, 3,141 Petabytes to illegally use television shows and 650 Petabytes were used by illegal music consumption in 2011.

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