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  • Jan 8th, 2021 @ 8:50pm

    But wait, what if.......? (as Keith)

    According to the knights in shining armor of the whack job leftist elite, hurting someone's feelings IS A CRIME. Usually a HATE crime. Requiring that the hurter lose his, (crap, please, EXCUSE ME, meant to say, and in some jurisdictions am legally required to say, lose "his/hers/it's/shims/shers/zes/Yee's/completely and heroically not associated with any previously known concepts of something so crass and hateful as a biological gender's) job, freedom, assets, honors, titles, and possibilities of living a peaceful life ever again. To be CANCLED by a culture that doesn't exist.
    Just watch 3 minutes of any so called "news program" or daily type propaganda show, and you will hear at least one such example stuffed into your ears with the pious attitude of the commentator dripping with mockery of any one who could possibly think otherwise.

    Then I have to ask this..... Let's just say that there exists a black female, sheeeiit, I did it again, I'm sorry....ahem... A completely undeterminablely gendered POunderterminableColor-other-than-white, police officer.. damnit, SPAWN OF SATAN THAT NEEDS EXTERMINATED, who is working somewhere near children, and that vilest of creatures every to ooze out of the pits of hell, a WHITE GUY, driver by, makes a scene, says a few protected words , and expresses the suggestion that the (please forgive me, but in interest of brevity, I'm just going to call person a female POC LEO) take a break for a bout of autoerotica. AND the scum bag had the gall to have a TRUMP bumper sticker, AND an NRA licence plate frame!!

    Surely then, beyond any doubt, and not subject to review, flipping the bird would be not only a crime, but a hate crime. And not just a hate crime, but a hate crime from a privileged, systemically racist, proud boy loving NRA hugging TRUMP SUPPORTER!!

    Now, tell me, I DARE you, tell me that piece of shit did not commit a crime punishable by immediate execution!

    So it's flipping someone off a crime or not? Looking forward to your thoughts

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