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About fairuse Techdirt Insider

Journal of a High-Tech Cat is where I put long rambles:

For short comments and contact with the world: http://twitter.com/fairuse

No longer writing assembly code and burning EPROM for stuff regular folks never buy. That life has been replaced with consumer rights issues; copy protection, copyright, DVD backup and helping folks understand the DMCA.

Have read:
Title 17 Circular 92 Chapter 1 (including Chapter 1 Endnotes)
Title 17 Circular 92 Chapter 12 (popular name; Section 1201(a)
DMCA read but resistance is futile is the best summary of that thing.

I don't iPhone I Gphone.
Mac user, no Microsoft machine running currently - The coffee maker stand is win98 on a 20MB drive. The PDP-11/34 is unplugged but the excellent power conditioner (30amp max draw) is where iMac G4 and stuff gets juice.

fairuse’s Comments comment rss

  • Jan 20th, 2022 @ 11:19am

    I said no to cloud and it moved in anyway

    I have routers that work fine even though the ISP keep nagging me to dump them for cloud services - for TV all the so called great features are annoying.

    The internet access via ISP box has reduced wired ports, 2 down from 4. WIFI is the way, Comcast for example, ties up all services.

    This computer is wired connection, Apple Extreme wired to internal net. And all have web interface, however, Comcast is the least useful because it keeps forcing ISP DNS.

    I will fix that someday or all the Comcast boxes will die and new net box replaces DVR box.

  • Nov 19th, 2021 @ 2:20pm

    Re: Flim Fam

    So co-founder of Archewell. Have too google that.

  • Nov 19th, 2021 @ 2:17pm

    How to kill a platform

    This policy thing is as crazy as it gets from a regulate and oversight level.

    A buffet of try all players; news broadcast, every hurt feeling in the the "protected class" wants justice, provide the oversight with data that so called "super spreader" is pulled in for shakedown,and other craziness.

    At one time nuclear power plants where not astronomical priced to build. How did the anti nuclear plant folks handle that - create NRC and treat every plant construction as "new science" and drown it in red tape - 10 year regulatory dance and cost billions.

    Yeah, this paper is just a Facebook and other platforms kill via time tested red tape method.

    Not My Problem unless Twitter falls.

  • Nov 19th, 2021 @ 4:00am

    Just as I am tryiny to lower ISP bill

    Oh this is almost humor because I beed to lower my Comcast bill. And their customer service people are "don't let them cancel" flogged.

  • Nov 19th, 2021 @ 3:54am

    WWW is not the internets

    I have to make the Scientific Wild Ass Guess (SWAG) that all the comments are just what I would expect by some folks who never used pre AOL tools to communicate.

    (Me : text browser)

    Anyway, what we have now is just apps that can do anything until caught. gov'ments that want their citizens boxed in - USA does it as well as China.

    And the opinion that some platforms are the Internet and regulate. SSDD except old boss has lawmakers in their pocket (not new thing).

    All the noise is just what thin skin politicians want. Look at where all the activist groups are - attached to government or fringe market - No accident that all the green energy BS is about finance not testable science.

    What the internet is now is all about finance in markets. The new boss is the old boss in a pretty wrapper.
    I'm seeing daylight --/rant

  • Nov 18th, 2021 @ 7:32pm

    HOA + Bad civil enforcement = SWAT team solution

    1. The "Lawn" is probably a grass that browns into straw. Fire hazard? Maybe, don't plant grass (the highways are seeded with grasses that are not natural to local environment for example) and lawn is the same.

    2. For reasons, city hall just sends mowing crew which must have PD backup.

    3. Can HOA enforcement civil suit.

    4. SWAT team - Not tv show -- center mass trained.

    The problem is there was who cares attitude at city hall.

  • Oct 27th, 2021 @ 10:11am

    Smile For The Camera

    ¿ cow ?

  • Oct 20th, 2021 @ 9:07pm

    Gotta Love Browser Fails

    1 - Chrome is so wired to "Latest & Greatest" OS and applications it is the bubblewrap browser.

    2 - Your OS is obsolete, update now.

    3 - This insane process of protecting users by forcing them to buy new hardware and OS is the Microsoft "razor & blades" for computers.

    Why am I on a rant? My antique Intel iMac 27", 10.6.8., browsers are now a paper weight on techdirt. Discord is random error messages, the NFT site is clock out of order (it;s not) error page. Just FYI on how sooner or later general purpose computer will be gone.

    Pardons while I fetch wife's windows 10, or ipad, or mobile. <-- Screen size hell

    Above all I will not replace my Video/Audio editing software for some cloud thing. I knew the days were numbered when Final Cut Pro was retooled into a mess.

    MPAA has won this battle.

    So what does my rant have to do with NFT - The rant is a NFT.

    Unless I am still misunderstanding Non Fungible Tokens.

    long day

  • Oct 19th, 2021 @ 8:36am

    New in box 4 in 1

    Looking at HP Officejet 3830 box i see more printing about ink than features.

    This ink scam will never go away. After reading the whole pdf of the lawsuit I can only say, good luck.

    On principle I should setup the HP Officejet 3830 but it is not worth the hassle.

  • Aug 28th, 2021 @ 12:32pm

    Re: Re: Re: Incorrect Star Wars quote

    Rob Reid's "Year Zero" (2012), Random House is a story about music industry's copyright infringement campaign.

    The aliens have been coping and playing Earth pop music without a license. Using what is known as Copyright Math accounting figured the galaxy owes Earth (music industry) royalties - Some number so big it cannot be paid. So, the aliens need Earth copyright lawyer. Off to Earth.. (This is a massively abridged description)

    More at -- https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20120710/03053019638/excerpt-rob-reids-year-zero-plus-chance-to-wi n-book.shtml

    The video is a hoot.

  • Aug 19th, 2021 @ 7:23am

    XMPP or blockchain

    I fussed with Jabbr way back. Blockchain is above my skill. Good luck Bluesky.

  • Jul 25th, 2021 @ 10:19am

    Re: Re: Re:

    Maybe. Saigon in the summer without weapons. How posh.

  • Jul 23rd, 2021 @ 12:07pm

    Re: Re: Re:

    Goood[sic] 'ol Safari that did what I told it to do without a fat javascript mess of a library. Well, thanks to bundleDOTjs part of embed it dies at fetching the PDF - SINtax error.

    Chrome on osx 10.6.8 = nothing displayed.
    Chrome on Android 11 ditto
    Safari on [your config] = ditto

    Firefox on Android 11 set browser to desktop mode = Embed looks ok. DOWN LOAD works.

  • Jul 23rd, 2021 @ 6:49am

    The technology fixes anything myth

    The stated reason:
    "The school district originally purchased AnyVision after a mass shooting in 2018, with hopes that the technology would prevent another tragedy. "

    mission creep: ID sex offenders.

    mission creep: Police given photo.

    CYA - Vender: As for AnyVision, it says hey, it's just the provider.

    CYA - Vender: watchlist-based, limiting users to targeting persons of interest.

    Well, the new nanny is The Machine" as seen on TV, Person of Interest (CBS). The agency using all seeing machine to catch bad guys before car bombs, nerve gas, etc. killed hundreds of people. Works like a champ in the fun world of Science Fiction.

    School administrators are making a leap of faith that AnyVision can stop NextBadShooting. Are they going to design a method that says -- Student 42 is troubled and has 90% chance of doing something bad.

    Some other school student(s) have hinted something is up were ignored because -- teenagers are unpredictable, clannish, and getting adults involved in their games never works for good or bad. (Sorry, "Breakfast Club")

    At this point there is only one reason AnyVision is giving us the wink. Real Life test facility. School is going to be embarrassed when PTB say get rid of it, don't commit to purchase anything, and Judge declared Facial Recognition Systems (some opinion about Constitution, and 2k words on doing their job.)

  • Jul 22nd, 2021 @ 9:21pm


    It is a chrome browser and embed documentcloud problem: old mac desktop, latest android mobile w'latest Chrome Browser have that blank box.

    I used mobile Firefox set desktop site on android mobile. The PDF is downloaded to read later. I also set search to Duck Duck Go. YMWV

    Stupid Chrome browser keeps shooting itself in the foot.

  • Jul 22nd, 2021 @ 6:04pm

    Chrome Browser and me

    Since Chrome Browser is checking for latest service. In this case if documentcloud enbed has an error there is only a layout box with nothing .

    The error :
    "Uncaught SyntaxError: in …embed. documentcloud. org/bundle. js: source -- bundle.js:2

    Why did I look? Just wondering.

    Documentcloud . org Maybe?

  • Jul 21st, 2021 @ 10:20pm


    I started using Enbrel a few years before 1999. Insurance picked up cost (several thousand per month).

    In 2020 Insurance still picks up the "cost' and "enbrel" pays copay. Price is still very high.

    Sidebar: These drugs are advertised on USA TV nonstop. Make these TV ads illegal and the $$$ that The Weather Channel and other ad supported channels struggle.

    There are always deals floating around.

  • Jul 21st, 2021 @ 8:12am

    Re: BrandAids

    In the closet are Famous Mouse Band-aid, J&J brand, I think. The "band-aid on desk: Kroger® logo, the words open and sterile.

    Trying to get so far away from "Band-Aid" that the use of the bandage is evident by individual package design and no doubt store shelf box design.


  • Jul 20th, 2021 @ 8:10pm

    Defend Trademark nude

    J&J "must" defend their trademark or else is rule? I would bet J&J has lawyer for everything.

    Maybe J&J is feeling a bit put out by vaccine side effect. Although not exactly the same as AstraZeneca, the news coverage is a slash and burn event waiting to happen -- https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/13/jj-astrazeneca-explore-modifying-covid-vaccines-in-response-to-rare- blood-clot-issue-report-says.html

    Nature : Study Finds The Mechanism Peer review, draft. (Dr. Been youtube take down disinformation fuss. ) https://youtu.be/WsRgRP1Oou0 Heparin or vaccine trigger research presented so well I understood.

    Sorry about drifting off. However, the forces at work cause good information delayed - Disinformation On COVID-19 must be removed, FB [posts] are killing people. And fun is no longer allowed because sense of humor went walkabout.

  • Jul 18th, 2021 @ 3:00pm

    (untitled comment)

    Wow. Yes, back in the day we could repair our electronic devices. SAM Manuals for most any consumer device.

    Now. Company will not release tools, tech notes or any data so someone can repair anything. That is the part of Right to Repair that is important.

    But, how did I repair my last mobile with cracked screen - bought new mobile.

    Do I wan't local muffler shop under the hood of new Subaru? No way, fking spaceship of control subsystems.

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