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  • May 31st, 2010 @ 4:26pm

    I think its ironic

    One of the central themes and character developments comes from the main character buying pirated media from a boy that he ends up developing a relationship with.
  • May 31st, 2010 @ 4:11pm

    I wonder

    If this is proven then would not the client be also entitled to a percentage of the profit. I think it would turn some attorneys to drafting proceedings so that they could be profitable secondary to what might be for the good of the client. This could be a real possibility in that an attorney may be able to $500 an hour for their work and then being able to profit on what has already been paid. If there is a profit motive outside of the client then it is likely the motivation would not be just the client but the broader market.

    It is a slippery slope, we are not talking about music or movies here. Most people sometime in their live need legal professionals and they should not be represented based on broader market.

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