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  • Mar 23rd, 2016 @ 10:26am

    (untitled comment)

    It has the same problem as the prism for NSA; it may not an abuse by the NSA; except it is the property of NSA, that shares by its members or others, and NSA has no control on source of the abuse. Seriously, I still doubt f there is another me who took charge of my bank account which that bank subjectively closed without disclosure of the funds missing. Could it be seize and desist to fund their FBI or State department? I wonder.........Don't ask don't tell intelligently, or get yourself killed. It goes back to human trafficker Justice Department or Justice Thomas' question that went to the Congress.
  • Mar 7th, 2015 @ 10:56am

    (untitled comment)

    Double speak as in "1984" by Orwell; its good for the people and bad for the government. if NSA want to read before you do, bear with it. Smarter turned dumber; Chinese uses its own brand of chip than American made; it says it when competition begins.

    will It stop Chinese hacker and not American? What is the problem now?
  • Mar 7th, 2015 @ 10:47am

    network at fault or FCC downgraded itself

    Now, whenever the page is being down;;;;loaded; I just go to another website and read till the page is fully developed. WIFI or DSL is about the same as science advanced and human stupidity expanded. The speed of advanced technology reverses itself in how FCC took charge of net neutrality. thanks a lot..
  • Jan 15th, 2015 @ 11:21am

    (untitled comment)

    It is not just transparancy; and it is the fairness to stand in the ground of Business. apparently, the so called USTR attempt to create the cartel of its own that its alliance of politicians can corrupt each other and sanction ones does not apply. It is why TTP or TIPP or CETA are the kept secret to themself in order to manipulate monoply and the public saw the gap of have and have not is imminent that is why European union was not set on its ground. Take the PIIGS and Russia, it is where the civil businessman drew the line.
  • Nov 17th, 2014 @ 12:19pm

    (untitled comment)

    both parties would ask US District Court Judge Irma Gonzalez to vacate her decision made in July 2011 that found that the plaintiff's allegatons had fulfilled the 'volitional-conduct' requirement for the claim of "direct" infringement.

    Perfect 10 sounds like a fantasy using internet as a sex toy to achieve ejaculation or orgasm through the process; and its claim on copy right on blind date service as satisfaction guaranteed....and it was the production.

    I am not sure if its repeal will reverse on such fantasy as act out nature's intent; but my fantasy as my editor, Ms Albright or Anderson can consume all white water, black water and even hogwash if she can see what I wrote on copyright of the cartoon I made on Obamacare. I don't think she will approve it even I can made many laugh.

    Fantasy result guaranteed....blind date service with who may not be the issue as copy right implemented. It certainly have a self-conflict here...LOL
  • Nov 12th, 2014 @ 5:02pm

    Re: Re:

    My only regret is American missing the spectrum of opinions and ideas that is not traditional.they like diner with steak and mashed potatoes that gives obesity and alternative like rice or sushi are Chinese or Japanese......even Al Qaeda
    we create bubbles to keep disease out and lost its immunity for the same reason.
  • Nov 12th, 2014 @ 12:33pm

    Re: Express Toll

    You may be right on necessity, but it is not safe. For the best and safest way to such application is then, you must buy the Volkswagon's Jetta, now they had cruse control that bear no liability on accident and no accident allowed. Its operator is the remote; so you do not pay insurance yourself,blame it on the driver on any event; but GPS answer only direction and distance. Why pay toll? Evidently, it is the cruse control that you need---75 mph paying all your toll, try cruse control in Jetta only.
  • Nov 12th, 2014 @ 12:19pm

    (untitled comment)

    Re: growth or grow up t
    P erhaps, the coming IMF meeting may contemplate such diversion, instead of what capital deposit is. If Ms. Largarde misunderstood the policy in Basel III for basil in her Beef Stroganoff in her French Home Culinary Network; then, we are going to hell now.

    It is all business as Usual; that non-elected officials bore no responsibilities on the democracy. TAFTA/TTIP and CETA allow the use prosperity index to raise their equity as double your residence value in few years. If you can't afford to pay popped tax or utility; considerably, you may earn your first bucket of gold and move on. Perhaps, you would let those, know-how to sell your national reserves at a price that elected can retire earlier and wealthier; because election cost much and it demands a better return if they qualifies tax exemption for the Corporation sovereigns.
    Besides, it cut dependency from government; it accumulated and accelerated government debts; so, you can be more independent without social services like medical and education and so on. Aren’t you lucky if you are selected to leave your home with its prosperity index? Growth or grow up.....
    Londoner cries, ex-Londoner laugh…….LOL,
  • Oct 8th, 2014 @ 1:02pm

    Re: growth or grow up
    P erhaps, the coming IMF meeting may contemplate such diversion, instead of what capital deposit is. If Ms. Largarde misunderstood the policy in Basel III for basil in her Beef Stroganoff in her French Home Culinary Network; then, we are going to hell now.

    It is all business as Usual; that non-elected officials bore no responsibilities on the democracy. TAFTA/TTIP and CETA allow the use prosperity index to raise their equity as double your residence value in few years. If you can't afford to pay popped tax or utility; considerably, you may earn your first bucket of gold and move on. Perhaps, you would let those, know-how to sell your national reserves at a price that elected can retire earlier and wealthier; because election cost much and it demands a better return if they qualifies tax exemption for the Corporation sovereigns.
    Besides, it cut dependency from government; it accumulated and accelerated government debts; so, you can be more independent without social services like medical and education and so on. Aren’t you lucky if you are selected to leave your home with its prosperity index? Growth or grow up.....
    Londoner cries, ex-Londoner laugh…….LOL,
  • Jul 31st, 2014 @ 11:17am

    Beware of the 1.1 million bidder (as Jonathan Lam)

    I am sure Mr. Keith's tactics is worth a million; because My data was lost in the wind after it miss the half million mark and I and my clients won't pay. Our system burned down after appeal in trial. Paulson of the Nerds and prodigy child by Obama is coming short on ethics.

    Payoff or worms would eat up your everything.....
    There is always another 1.1 million bidder; and you are on your own then.......
  • Aug 24th, 2013 @ 5:09pm

    Re: Re: Re: And yet goes on without pause!

    Gamesmith94134: NSA say some Analysts willfully violated Spying Authority
    You are right of the less harm if they were Chinese Government; if they were no secrecy like Lavabit and Silentcircle. However, such tactics was applied to secure the regime in the monopolization of controls of all information and citizens; then no one will know what they do, just like Orwell's 1984. The proliferation of the monopoly on information put fear in Mr. Snowden that he must fled to avoid being harm even he must cleanse himself by leaking the program. But, what is the program or plot---"Just do it"? Why is Mr. Snowden making the Faustian exchange to Mr. Putin after Mr. Xi? Or, did he realize that he had cracked Mr. Agnew's or some else safe?

    US media did not reveal the sensible plot to the public yet even if they knew them; and we did not know what happened to Bengahzi but Mrs. Clinton is limited to security of State Department. Are we in the city of Grotham? And why would Muslim or other hate American so much? Inasmuch, through the electronic surveillance, did American successfully tattoo the forearm of all the Al Qaeda� members electronically just like the Jews with the yellow star? Auschwitz for Al Qaeda is becoming of the
    Final Solution from NSA or US.
    "We get all these allegations of what [NSA staff] could be doing," Alexander said. "But when people check what the NSA is doing, they've found zero times that's happened. And that's no bulls�t. Those are the facts."

    Now, I am studying the timeline on WWII and holocaust and I am open for debate on �believe it or not�.

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