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  • Mar 9th, 2018 @ 7:44am

    I just want to know

    Why the hell is Trump on the poster TWICE. yeash.
  • Jan 29th, 2018 @ 7:59am

    Re: Re: And they still miss the points we all try to make

    Cable isn't too expensive, it's too overloaded with commercials. I'd be happy to uncut my cord if they would sell me commercial-free cable TV.

    Never ever EVER going to happen. Hell once we move more reliant on YT just wait for them to figure out a way to fully bypass Add-blockers and be just as bad as cable.

  • Oct 13th, 2017 @ 10:01am

    Could you even imagine

    Trump's base brush this off as a flippant remark(like they do for everything he does from his bull pulpit).

    But flip back a year and imagine the shit-fit the right would be throwing right now if Obama said this exact same thing about Fox News. It would be insanity. Hell imagine if Obama said literally half the things Trump says now. They would be foaming at the mouth.
  • Aug 14th, 2017 @ 6:31am

    What is really holding back Esports

    The thing that is holding back eSports being more mainstream and taking a long hold isn't the lack of it being a "sport" is that gaming in general changes too rapidly. Look at the list of Olympic games. Those games rules are basically set in stone and have been for decades.
    Even if they wanted to pick a game for the Olympics...which one would they pick? Would they "balance patch" it before? Do they use that same game 4 years later even if nobody is playing it by then?

    As an analogous look at the history of American sports popularity. It took football DECADES from inception before it became popular. How can an average person whom doesn't have intricate knowledge keep up and be interested in eSports when which game is actively being promoted changes every couple years?
  • Aug 14th, 2017 @ 6:24am


    People who like to shit on the "sport" part of eSports claiming it doesn't belong obviously never played multiplayer games at any serious level.

    Take as a counter-point that Archery is currently in the games. For Archery you have only one action. Shoot your shot while adjusting for potential wind and maybe avoiding previous shots you made. I don't see how that is that much more complicated(physically, it is super skillful) than video games.

    High level multiplayer games are about extreme hand-eye coordination, strategy, and in non-fighting 1v1 games team communication. Go watch a DOTA match(not highlights, but a whole match) and see what one person has to keep track of. Or watch a Counter-Strike match.
  • Jun 20th, 2017 @ 12:24pm

    Re: Re:

    Sign of the times .. when people fear the police more than the criminals.

    Because at least when criminals break the law and attack you, you feel like you will get help and proper recourse for your grievances.

  • Apr 20th, 2017 @ 1:01pm

    ratings site

    interesting website that rates various departments policies. The NYPD is not alone in having bad practices.

    It is nice to see my PD rated well. Stellar records release policy. Though there is one minor issue. For some issue OVI(or DUI as some know it) have to have special proprietorial review before they can be released. I couldn't figure out why ONLY those types of charges were treated special.
    That is when my co-worker pointed out to me that legislators don't caught on BWC in assaults, thefts, or shootings. They get caught in OVIs. Ahhhh there it is. Good old self protectionism built right in there.
    Of course it will only take another state legislature to get caught up in a prostitution sting or some other crime before it is amended a again to have even more caveats on that exception list...
  • Mar 22nd, 2017 @ 12:30pm


    Youtube is not good enough. The CC there is around 80% accuracy. That does not comply with the laws in place. We are required to have 99% I believe.

    What "laws"?

    As stated the "law" was overturned and public websites do not have to comply with ADA.

  • Mar 2nd, 2017 @ 7:02am

    So what you are saying is

    So what you are saying is if I want a legal "right" to all I need to do it name my third child Spiderman?

    ....hey honey, I have this crazy wait hear my out...Honey where are you going...please come back...
  • Feb 13th, 2017 @ 1:32pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: RLC

    You are missing part of the problem. When the RLC sees "you" running the light...they don't actually see "you", they see your car. In likely 90+% of cases there would be no easy way to ID whom is actually driving said car.

    Hence "right to face accuser" part comes in. Driving citations are supposed to go to the person whom is actually driving the vehicle at the time of the infraction, not just who the car belongs to.
  • Feb 13th, 2017 @ 6:44am


    I didn't even know that "speed cameras" were even really a thing.

    I do know that in Ohio that at least RLCs are basically illegal. They passed a law that in essence said that people have the "right to face your accuser". AKA if a camera "pops" you that an officer has to be present to actually hand them the ticket.

    Well obviously that kinda defeated the entire purpose of the automated systems.
  • Feb 9th, 2017 @ 9:08am

    How long does that take to do?

    Can they check all of them? How long would that even take? Does a person specialized in doing this check these accounts or some robot? How do you check some of these if you can't speak/read a foreign language?

    Tumblr? Whatsapp? Snapchat? Twitter? Instagram? Viber? Sina Weibo? QQ? QZone? Line? Facebook? Google+?

    Now not to mention it is only too long before they try to expand what defines a "social media" website.

    Youtube? Pinterest? Flickr? LinkedIn? Kik? Tinder? Skype? Any other Dating website.

    The rabbit hole is endless, ever changing, and they will only keep moving the goal posts as far they think they can to get access to more and more.
  • Dec 28th, 2016 @ 6:19am

    What Amazon does

    what does the company giving you the service do with that info

    uhhh it is pretty obvious what Amazon/Google does with your stored queries. It mostly uses them to improve its services.

    An example would be looking at what you and other people asking for the most. If you are constantly asking about setting timers and the weather they know they need to make sure to improve those services. If you are asking about changing the lighting in your house they want to improve that service. ect ect.

    Secondly They can also use the queries to see what people are looking for and buying(just like Amazon does with your normal shopping habits...) and advertise to you. I mean Amazon already looks at your shopping history and advertises to you based off that and they keep that shit forever, so why is this drastically different?

    Lastly they can use the queries to improve their voice recognition software. They can't necessarily directly improve how it hears you, but they can improve the thesaurus the devices use to try and how people talk. So when you say "Order puppy chow for my Collie" it will know you mean "dog food for my dog".

    Sure maybe there is other insidious reason they are reading our queries(for the lulz!) but those are the three actual main ones.

  • Nov 7th, 2016 @ 1:06pm

    (untitled comment)

    As a result, the company is seeing historic losses in subscribers, with apparently everybody but ESPN seeing that this adaptation (like a standalone streaming service) will need to come sooner rather than later.

    Pretty sure that them going to a straight stand along streaming service would actually violate a lot of their contracts which put them on the base package deals. Which is why they have not tried to push into that arena.

    They are stuck in between a rock and a hard place in that respect. Sling TV is their attempt to get into the streaming space.

  • Nov 2nd, 2016 @ 6:37am

    Never agree to it

    The Industry will NEVER agree to any type of royalties. Never gonna happen. Honestly I am against it as well. Video Games are a different industry than movies or TV. While good acting and stuff will help certain games, the vast majority of games it literally is a bonus and not the selling point. The proof is literally in the pudding on this one. Over and over and over again you will find games that have little to no VAing selling MILLIONS. A game's VA is only 5-10% of what makes a product good. Even Products with well known stories and stories still require extreme work from programmers, designers, and producers. Why again should a VA who comes in and does three weeks of work get royalties? I agree with a lot of their points about screaming and other issues, but they are hilariously misguided if they think they are getting royalties.

  • Nov 1st, 2016 @ 9:05am

    I wish they would do this

    > Does the Copyright Office threaten to dump someone's copyright if a copyright holder's information is out of date?

    To be honest I *wish they would do this*. Every 10-20 years if you don't re-register you lose it. Of course they could add some type of buffer window for an appeal maybe, but overall this could actually be a HUGE benefit to wrestle back orphaned works while keeping the big dogs happy.
  • Oct 18th, 2016 @ 11:29am

    Police Accountability

    This is the kind of shit people point to when they say police are not held accountable for their actions. The people, top to bottom, who made the call to arrest and beat that man without doing ANY initial investigation will walk away with nothing done to them. While the tax payers foot the bill.

  • Sep 6th, 2016 @ 6:10am

    The Hell

    What the hell are cops going to do with their time in ~10 years when weed is legal all across the US?
  • Jun 20th, 2016 @ 1:49pm

    Sounds like he willingly gave it up

    So he was stopped, asked for his id, WILLINGLY gave his ID(which he was not obligated to do), then once that ID was checked he was "arrested" and frisked for drugs.
    I mean if that is the actual chain of events here then I don't see the actual problem.
    Maybe I just find the "how should he have known he was wanted for a traffic citation" thing unconvincing" but this is basically "proactive policing 101". He got a tip, he checked it out, he made a stop.
    Am I missing something there?
  • May 13th, 2016 @ 1:40pm

    Re: One correction

    No, this is very obvious IT staff not knowing what they are doing.
    This machine shouldn't be actively why in holy hell is is actively running AV scans every hour?
    Nightly, at most, would suffice. I mean an AV scan would drastically eat up system resources. And as a system ages could it even finish an AV scan in the time it would take before another one starts?
    Constant AV scans are idiotic and counter-productive, especially on machines that are not used to browse the web.

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