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  • Feb 11th, 2019 @ 3:58am

    Re: Re: I'm Torn

    The SPLC’s listing of McInnes and the PB’s as a “hate group” is NOT done in good faith! That’s the whole point! Anyone who knows anything about McInnes knows the claim that he’s a “racist” and “far right” are absurd! And the same goes for the PB’s. Go and watch his videos, read his articles, and NOT just accept the second hand opinions of others. Go directly to the source as I have done for many years and it will become blindingly obvious. What kind of “racist” is married to a full blood Native American for a start? And has 3 Native American kids? And what kind of “racist hate group” has Black and Asian and Mexican and White and gay members? The SPLC must know this, or if they don’t then they’re not very good at basic research, because none of this is hidden! So you have to question WHY they put the PB’s on their list. And once you do, the reason becomes clear, they NEED HATE GROUPS! And the more the merrier! As that’s what brings in the dollars! Almost FOUR HUNDRED MILLION at last count! That’s a LOT of progressive dollars! And as we all know MONEY CORRUPTS!

  • Feb 11th, 2019 @ 3:36am

    (untitled comment)

    The SPLC is a scam. They themselves are now a hate group. And Gavin McInnes has every right to sue them. And he will win. Because the Proud Boys are NOT a “hate group”, as everyone who follows McInnes’ antics already knows! Defamation has nothing to do with free speech. They’re free to say whatever they want about McInnes and the PB’s...and he’s free to sue them for defamation! The SPLC’s listings have a direct effect on people’s lives! If it was just their opinion then no one would give a monkeys, but it’s not! Maajid Nawaz and the Quilliam Foundation also sued them for defamation and the SPLC caved in, as they will do in Mcinnes’ case, and ponied up 3 million dollars and removed Nawaz and Quilliam from their list of anti-Islam organizations. So, the idea that suing them is “ridiculous” ridiculous! They caved in before it went to trial because they knew they were in the wrong. The SPLC are a bunch of chancers milking dumb progressives for multi millions of dollars, almost FOUR HUNDRED MILLION at last count! They’ve long ceased to be a respected source and are now just another arm of the Democrats smear machine.

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