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  • Mar 21st, 2020 @ 7:50pm


    Someone other than me is getting ignored by politicians. How does it feel MPAA?

  • Mar 4th, 2019 @ 4:27pm

    (untitled comment)

    Wikipedia: In 2010 ABC's 20/20 reported in a segment titled "The Best Ratings Money Can Buy" about the irregularities in BBB ratings. They reported that a man created two dummy companies which received A+ ratings as soon as he had paid the membership fee. They also reported that business owners were told that the only way to improve their rating was by paying the fee. In one case a C was turned to an A immediately after a payment and in another case a C‑minus became an A+. The chef Wolfgang Puck said that some of his businesses receive F's because he refuses to pay a fee. Ritz Carlton, which does not belong either, also receives F's for not responding to its complaints. This has been known since 2010? wow

    Nine years going on ten in September. Doesn't look like anyone cares to fix the BBB.

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