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  • Jan 21st, 2011 @ 4:11am

    Re: Too difficult not to judge.

    I don't think it's a case of 'you're fine as long as you only post good things'.

    I have openly said I'm annoyed about not having been paid my full wages for October and that I don't think it's particularly fair that people haven't been paid for time they worked last year. I'm not glossing over any of it. I know for a fact though that Mr Morris isn't happy with the situation either and hence why I feel comfortable to say those things. It's no secret that every person in this office regrets the situation at the moment, Jeffrey Morris included.
  • Jan 21st, 2011 @ 12:12am


    'If you are so interested in the well-being and future stability of the company why don't you voice your opinion concerning all the people paid by the business but in actual fact do nothing for the business and undertake personal work for Jeffrey Morris.'

    Personal work for Mr Morris? That's a cracker,it really is... What personal work is this then exactly? If you could please fill me in then I can invoice appropriately as I've obviously missed that one off my books...
  • Jan 20th, 2011 @ 1:40am

    Re: Pathetic

    Ok, now to break my silence just to point out an obvious fact. There were 2 Danny T's working for the company then.

    One still works there, the other worked in sales and was let go some time last year.
  • Jan 14th, 2011 @ 2:30pm

    (untitled comment)

    Unfortunately due to the fact I do indeed, as you say, have a young family to think about then I do believe it is within my interests to participate in this discussion no further.

    However, due to the nature of this comment, and the fact I do believe it is a thinly veiled threat or that you know where these supposed 'whispering' originated then I have already taken sufficient action to report this incident to the authorities as I take any threat against me or my family very seriously indeed whether I give that threat much credence or not.
  • Jan 14th, 2011 @ 1:47pm


    And in addition. My understand does not run deep, it is plain for all to see. I'm more than frustrated with the current pay situation I find myself in, however, the only way out of it I see is to carry on putting the effort in in the hopes that the company works out and turns a profit soon rather than making every effort possible to sabotage it at any cost.

    This is the choice I'm left with, Xmas has just passed, my daughter's 4th birthday was last Sunday, my sons 1st birthday is in march and I'm getting married at the start of April so trust me, I'm well versed in frustration pertaining to money, or lack thereof.
  • Jan 14th, 2011 @ 1:42pm


    I would be more than happy to entertain any comments, perspectives or anything else from such 'loose cannons'. I would prefer they came out in the open however rather than having to hear this stuff second hand.

    Also, please don't take my posts as loyalty to anybody except myself and my family, as I have stated in every one of my posts here, this is my opinion and nothing further.
  • Jan 14th, 2011 @ 1:21pm


    Such a shame, I do really enjoy our little chats.
  • Jan 14th, 2011 @ 1:17pm


    caps lock stuck?
  • Jan 14th, 2011 @ 1:12pm

    (untitled comment)


    Can't wait, do you guys want any refreshments making up?
  • Jan 14th, 2011 @ 1:00pm


    So instead you think the 'clever' solution is to keep the project going, cost himself some more money then liquidated? You sure I'm the retarded one here?
  • Jan 14th, 2011 @ 12:59pm


    Actually, I can state that Pseudonym is not infact a liar, and has certainly not been caught out for anything. Not many people knew of the existence of BEES and during a discussion today Pseudonym obviously got the wrong end of the stick when it was commented on with regards to when that project was active.

    If we're going on inconsistencies as to how reliable a comment is then I too mate am afraid to say you're also shit out of luck on the reliability scale too.

    Hence why we've been asking for evidence to support your claims of illegal activity. It has been promised several times but never emerged. Would it be possible to email me the details of the 'legal high flyer' your group claims to have looking at this case so it can be discussed with him instead?
  • Jan 14th, 2011 @ 12:45pm


    I am fully aware of the CVA, yes. Do you even know what a CVA is, you might be good at reading them but reading is pointless without understanding, correct? Do you understand that it's a choice between putting IMJack on a CVA where you have a chance of getting your money if the company succeeds, or putting IMJack into liquidation where you'll get sweet FA except a pat on the head and a 'better luck next time'...?
  • Jan 14th, 2011 @ 12:35pm


    Incorrect, as I have stated above I have also not been paid half of my salary for October, do you just not pay attention to these posts or something? This is true of EVERY single developer at IMJack, not a single one of us has had the other half of their salary from October last year, however, rather than bitching and moaning we're working away in the hopes that we can make a success of things so that EVERYONE can get paid. I suggest you do some better checking of facts in future, or hell, just read the posts from today.
  • Jan 14th, 2011 @ 8:59am

    (untitled comment)

    To be honest that doesn't really bother me and unless you have a recorded version of this conversation you can send me then I'm disinclined to believe somebody who hides behind a mask of anonymity.
  • Jan 14th, 2011 @ 8:38am

    (untitled comment)

    I'm not answering the questions I have been asked as it's not my place to comment on any deals with the SSAT, I merely joined in with this thread to voice MY OPINION on the situation, nothing more.

    I'm also unsure of how I'm making a clown of myself? I came here to give my opinion, I was then asked some questions to which I didn't want to get involved with and have hopefully dispelled some myths with regards to the development teams involvement in any of this. I'm not entirely sure how that makes me look like a clown?

    I have also never endorsed people not receiving pay and I do not think this is an ideal situation for anyone.
  • Jan 14th, 2011 @ 7:03am


    Created an account to try and claim this last comment so I could edit it, but no luck.

    I was supposed to say 'thank you for your concern', not 'that you'...
  • Jan 13th, 2011 @ 4:35pm

    Re: How much is that failure paying you?

    I know this conversations nothing to do with me but can I just point out that if you post a comment without specifying a name (the actual comment is the only required field when not logged in) then it auto-magically creates your post from 'Anonymous Coward'. It's obviously techdirt's way of saying 'this user did not specify a name'...
  • Jan 13th, 2011 @ 4:25pm

    Re: Response to Pseudonym

    You do realise that because your contract was with IMJack Ltd that you can't actually 'pursue Jeffrey Morris personally' for any of the money he owes you right?

    That's the point of a Limited Company, limited liability. Send IMJack down the pan and you'll be taking a case against a liquidated company for remuneration, good luck with that one...

    I too am still owed some money by Mr Morris, I'm not posting under a pseudonym as I don't see the point in this therefore you can verify my claims if you wish.

    Personally I believe what 'Mr Pseudonym' is saying with regards to pay. The CVA and current BEES project is everybody's best chance of getting paid what they are owed, and I have heard several times Mr Morris promise to do everything within his power to pay people what they were owed. If I didn't believe this then I would have cut my loses months ago rather than risking more periods without pay. I work my arse off to support my partner and 2 kids and I certainly wouldn't stick around if I thought Mr Morris' intentions where to screw everybody over.

    Just try not to forget that there are still people who rely on their job at IMJack.

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