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  • Jun 6th, 2011 @ 9:02pm

    Re: Re: Is this why...

    GOP candidates are required to do what the ideological institutions insist on, otherwise the Tea Party, the enforcement arm of the GOP) comes in votes them out. Why we keep electing these people is beyond me. The right wants to impose a theocracy, so this isn't just about copyright law.
    They are re-elected because we have become a nation of intellectual
    cowards, afraid of the increased freedom made possible by technological advances. A historical analogy is the Protestant revolution which was only made possible and facilitated by the newly invented printing press. Nothing less than the power to suppress ideas and maintain the status quo for profit is what this congressional tong and its constituency is after. The world is headed for sharper division into free and slave zones and the US still has its slavers. It won't be easy to enforce the spirit of the constitution with the spineless supremes now playing mind games like carefree trolls. In
    the very long term the forces of suppression will be defeated again, that is the sense of history.

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