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  • Aug 15th, 2012 @ 6:09pm

    Re: Hang on, I'll be right back

    They don't care what you tell them about fines, first of all the are the front line drones and just do what they're told and are not otherwise responsible for the calls. Second, the law has few teeth in that individual complaints are not acted on until enough of them accumulate to cross the threshold for action. So many telemarketers operate under that radar and are fully aware that they are under very little legal risk. Individuals can sue individually however, I was advised by the enforcement division for that law, and under certain circumstances treble damages can be sought. I have the advantage of having sufficient legal education to bring these actions on my own, and my income is sufficiently low that i can get all of my court costs waived. I plan on going out and collecting scalps, and I will invite all of the publicity I can muster.
  • Aug 15th, 2012 @ 5:58pm


    I like those cute judgmental phrases people like to toss out, format being "if you ______ then you must/must not/do/don't _____" which generally comes from a narrow mind attempting to pigeonhole someone's legitimate position on something. Here's one for you: If you choose to work in that profession then your sense of ethics and sensitivity to the privacy of human beings must be sorely lacking. So how much should we pay to "prove" how important it is? I got news for you sonny. There are a great many little annoyances and injustices perpetrated on the public which should not be, some people just live in resignation, some can't see having to pay anything for something to which they have a right which is to be left alone. I don't know where you got your 7% - 8% figures, or what you mean by the "masses" but I can't imagine ANYONE actually wanting these unwelcome solicitations. Suppose, JUST suppose, that maybe it took time for the idea to take root in the minds of the "masses". The fact that someone doesn't want to pay $5 for this doesn't mean it's not important, and you're an idiot to even make such a suggestion. "Couldn't have been much of a problem" is just the kind of rationalization I would expect from someone working in that profession. If it wasn't that much of a problem why is it that it required federal legislation and penalties to put a stop to it?

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