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  • Jan 12th, 2017 @ 4:56pm

    This Is Typical Getty Behavior

    In my opinion this is the same old Getty. I received one of these censorship letters too and I found it laughable. The fact that Getty will use these tactics to try and scare, bully and intimidate people into removing their articles and blog posts really gets me going. I sent a letter to Vanessa Bouchara demanding an apology letter from her and Getty Images, I have since received one from her but not from Getty as of yet. I do not buy for a minute Getty's story they knew nothing about it.

    Like Matthew Chan I am a staunch supported of First Amendment rights and with this latest stunt Getty has once again crossed the line. It will be interesting to see how this plays out, needless to say it is Getty itself damaging their reputation not the letter recipients reporting on their activities.


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