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  • Mar 31st, 2010 @ 4:19pm

    (untitled comment)

    I am a photographer and a videographer. I have been in business since 1987. It used to be relatively difficult to take a proper pictures especially with multiple flashes and or mixed light. I went through about 50 still cameras and many thousands of rolls of film in those 23 years. I used a light meter and I would tell the processor to push, pull or develop the slides or negatives to get the results that I wanted. It was great to get better and better equipment over the years. I never liked working in a darkroom so I fell in love with Photoshop in the mid 90's. I purchased my first digital camera around 2000 and have been happy with getting rid of handling negatives. However the down side of all this is that as it became easier and cheaper to produce photographs (video too) it opened the door to anyone to do the same. With instant feedback, it's true, anybody can make good pictures all the time if they just look at the back of their cameras and make corrections as they go.

    My business is less than 20% of what it used to be. Photography just got too easy. My former customers are doing there own photography now. Time to move on.

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