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  • Feb 4th, 2015 @ 2:21am

    FBI mentality..

    FBI Agents see their "investigations" as a Return On Objective and not necessarily a Return On Investment.. They have blank checks and unlimited resources to perform their "duties" and are willing to spend a decade or more "gathering evidence".. When it all fails and they cannot find any real evidence they will either fabricate, entrap, or settle for the lesser charges they MIGHT actually have evidence of.. There is also a lot of leeway for their informants and agents to break laws themselves in order to "make an arrest", often times committing the very same crimes the accused are charged with.. Power corrupts absolutely.

    To the FBI, maintaining the *illusion* that they are catching bad guys is equally if not more important than ACTUALLY catching REAL bad guys.

    It's all a game of chess and if there are no moves on the board they resort to throwing the board away..

    Once the FBI is involved the only thing you can be certain of is that they will find something to pin on you - valid or not.. Additionally, all law enforcement has the misguided belief that "you can beat the charge but you can't beat the ride"

    Moral of the story? Take it to trial.. But there's nothing to be done about how you ended up there except riding it out. At least in a trial you have a small chance of exposing them for what they truly are..

    Organized crime funded with federal dollars.
  • Feb 3rd, 2015 @ 4:07am


    "Information that is not foreign intelligence information, but reasonably appears to be evidence of a crime that has been (past), is being (present), or is about to be (future) committed, may be disseminated (including United States person identities) to the FBI.."

    Don't forget how the government apparatus cleverly defines "reasonable" to be anything without reason.. It is clear that these agencies don't really care about stopping "terrorists".. It is all a matter of control to them.

    If they know every detail about an individuals life they falsely believe that they can control said individual.. Sadly, that "individual" just happens to be society at large.

    America is not safe while these agencies operate in this manner. A totalitarian regime doesn't necessarily need a figurehead to exist.. Our dictator today, is this federal apparatus who views basic rights as an inconvenience to be *rubber* stamped out..

    If there is one sliver of hope.. Historically speaking, populations inevitably resist those who would seek to control every aspect of their lives. Albeit, it will not be overnight but I'm surprised for all their "intelligence" they haven't calculated the simple math that shows this course they are on is unsustainable..

    Call it backlash or blowback but the inevitable reaction to these actions will be a storm of epic proportions.. The saddest part in all of this is that such a future can be completely avoided and does not need to come to pass..

    It's just a truth our Federal Throne is not interested in digesting..
  • Jan 30th, 2015 @ 4:42pm

    Corpus Delicti?

    I am reminded of a time when evidence of a crime being committed had to exist before a person could be convicted of said crime..

    Sadly, that time is not today and by the look of things.. The future shows law enforcement is hell bent on the "prevention" of imaginary crimes that might, possibly, could have occurred in an imaginary future.. Maybe..

    Justice is no longer blind.. It has gone full retard..

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