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  • Aug 1st, 2011 @ 3:25pm

    adult content often makes bad law

    As an intellectual property copyright freedom litigator, I have represented and been counsel to adult publishers. In general, one has to realize that this is the United States and that any case with adult content involved has the potential to make bad law. It is almost pointless to debate the legal reasoning here. Mike Masnick is brillian, I follow him closely, quote him often, and I know he is not naive about judges working backwards from a conclusion.
  • Aug 30th, 2010 @ 1:51pm

    ISP and Subpoena

    At the very minimum, the ISP attorney ought to review the subpoena and underlying litigation facts and determine whether she believes the subpoena is valid as a matter of law and jurisdiction.

    If the ISP attorney determines it is not valid, she ought to challenge it.

    If she believes it is valid, she ought to notify the ISP customer and afford her the opportunity to quash it.

    It is that simple.
  • Aug 11th, 2010 @ 6:32am

    all about knocking competitors out of search engine

    First, I think it shocked most attorneys that the trial court held in favor of For me, close to an embarassment for the legal profession.

    The real fight is to get rid of competitor names that would tend to rank high on a Google search.

    The legal rhetoric is confusion, but the game is SEO.
  • Jul 27th, 2010 @ 6:51pm

    Slightly more complicated

    Sometimes a competitor will select a trademark or symbol that resembles a competitor's brand to let the public know that its product is a parallel product. It is not meant to fool the public, but to make an association. Try Wikileaks, for example. I have not reviewed the facts of this case, so I would withhold judgment at this time.

    On a quick search, I came across this opinion for someone at Davis and Gilbert: "There is no relationship between ticker symbols and the trademark law. But letters can be registered under the trademark laws. So if a company is
    assigned a ticker symbol eg. DVD and it wants to register it as trade dress, they can (If not registered by anybody already) Examples are VW, ABC and NBC. This is no way a legal advise. Wilson Addo Davis & Gilbert
  • Jul 21st, 2010 @ 11:25am

    a rules based society

    There is nothing worse than rules that cannot be enforced or run against logic and instinct. Very few people in the United States know the origins and history of copyright, so their moral compass is set soley in relation to the "law."
  • Jul 19th, 2010 @ 3:16pm

    defense fund

    Use the auction proceeds for a defense fund. I would work for $49.99 an hour to pull out my light saber and brandish it in the Southern District of New York.

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