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  • Jan 28th, 2017 @ 11:03pm

    Re: Bullfucking shit!

    enthusiastic "AMEN"
  • Jan 28th, 2017 @ 10:56pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

    I believe that both "Cincinnati Enquirer" and "US News" still count as sources. And it took me less than 15 seconds to Google "cincinnati enquirer otr crime data" and get 68,000 results in 0.50 seconds. The first two pages of said results being consistent with a.c.'s comments. As is, apparently; the observation regarding laziness.
  • Jan 28th, 2017 @ 10:43pm

    Re: Re: Not your ordinary wrong, fractally wrong

    Any real conversation on the subject requires facing the fact: Criminals in every country come from all kinds of backgrounds and occupations. Including police and law enforcement officers.
  • Jan 28th, 2017 @ 10:37pm


    Computer mouser was a typo. Ironically it could be used as a term for the work of the tracking technologies described.
  • Jan 28th, 2017 @ 10:35pm

    (untitled comment)

    All of today's major web browsers collect and give out specific information about the computer being used. Not just things like the MAC address which is necessary for the current internet protocols but also what your operating system is. Geographical locators are turned on by default to optimize search results and simplify mapping. And now many websites take a "portrait" of the icons on your desktop and their arrangement as well as a list of all the programs installed on your system. Which is about as unique as a fingerprint. Furthermore a recent study showed that individual computer users could by reliably identified by the patterns formed by the routine movements they used/made with a computer mouser [as shown by the travel of the cursor across the screen]. Unless you are making serious, consistent efforts to hide your online behaviour you are always personally identifiable. This is the standard state of affairs.
  • Jan 28th, 2017 @ 6:52am

    Re: "Yankee Go Home"

    I must admit that I myself do not travel abroad much. (health issues) But "Yankee Go Home" is a phrase that is decades old and, according to my better-traveled friends; already alive and well in Central and South America, Africa, Asia and an ever-growing part of Europe. And for that 1% of we Americans that actually still serve our country in the military it's SOP until somebody is in trouble. [Said trouble frequently including natural disasters where we literally send in the Marines to provide food, water, emergency medicine and logistics]. For far too long a large part of the world has viewed the US as the father figure who is a soft touch for the kids. When they have something they want they schmooze them until the old boy opens up his wallet and turns over the car proverbial car keys. Otherwise it's an attitude of open disdain. It's in the Yankee's best interest to spend more time at home taking care of our own problems.
  • Jan 27th, 2017 @ 9:12pm

    Re: Much worse than that

    I think most people familiar with the comparison would agree that the EU offers far better legal protections for citizen privacy that the US. But as I stated earlier it's all a moot point. The EULAs for these services all indemnify the service providers against the consequences of either breaches or unlawful searches of data. And if you think the physical location of your server farms' HDDs means scat to those who want that data I must respectfully inform you that you are naive. Not only does the NSA have unlimited access to the full feeds of the network legs leaving the US (which allows them to copy everything in transit) they are most definitely not above hacking it at/in/from it's final destination. It is, in fact, part of their job description. As of yet no law in any jurisdiction, domestic or foreign; has deterred them. Cases can and will play out in court. And all the providers will experience an ebb and flow of market share. But no one is going to take any meaningful hit to their bottom line because data is the ultimate success story of globalization. Put it wherever you want, but it will be found, copied, moved and edited by whatever major power decides it's worth the overhead to pursue. Your local jurisdiction may not allow such evidence to be introduced. If you are lucky. But it's not something that should be counted on in today's environment.
  • Jan 27th, 2017 @ 8:46pm


    Whether or not they are the main criminal force is debatable. The preponderance of criminals among them is not. Aside from the public data available, which is considerable although often hard to find; I offer my personal examples. I live in a midwestern town that is over 1200 miles from the US-Mexican border. Founded in the early 1800s by mostly German and Irish immigrants with a population that has held steady between 4-6000 residents for many decades. According to latest census figures the town is now approximately 50% Hispanic; a previously unknown demographic introduced in the last 20 years. In all the years since WWII there have been exactly two murders in our town. Both the murderers and their victims were illegal aliens. Both the killers and the killed belonged to (rival) international criminal gangs. One case was only solved after appearing on America's Most Wanted TV show; the killer having traveled through several states was found being sheltered by members of his gang. A gang President Obama labeled an international criminal conspiracy. Petty crime is rampant. My own (ex)brother-in law brags of having entered the county illegally and having been here 20+ years. He has been arrested countless times and been jailed in at least 4 states. Being sponsored by my sister he applied for citizenship and went to his immigration hearing; where the government attorney pointed out that he had committed perjury by omitting on his application the fact that he still had outstanding arrest warrants (notice the plural) in California. So an illegal alien with multiple convictions and multiple jail terms committed perjury in a federal court and . . . they sent him home. To my sister. He's still in this country today; with many of his equally illegal siblings, cousins, friends, nieces and nephews. No non-millionaire caucasian commits perjury in a federal court with an outstanding warrant and gets to go home. The system as it has existed so far is broken, unfair, rigged, and way freaking past due for a complete overhaul. And yes, oh Exalted Sages of the DNC; these people vote too. But I'm pretty sure you already knew that.
  • Jan 27th, 2017 @ 7:56pm

    Re: US First

    If HRC understands international politics she has a strange way of showing it. Haiti; land of natural disasters and voodoo, openly hates her and the Clinton foundation. She remains convinced that the Palestinians really want to play nice with Israel, even though their ruling party platform call for the destruction of that country and the genocide of its people. Her missteps, misreads and (possibly deliberate) misrepresentations of events in the Middle East are both numerous and colossal. What the Clintons (deliberate plural)understand are international DONORS.
  • Jan 27th, 2017 @ 7:43pm


    I'm honestly puzzled. Are there really that many American citizens who don't know that the IRS always gets it's cut? I find it hard to believe. I had a sibling that was married to an illegal; and he and all his siblings (also in the country illegally) made sure to have SSNs and pay their taxes because the IRS was the one federal agency they actually worried about.
  • Jan 27th, 2017 @ 7:31pm

    Re: Re: Makes sense

    I mean no personal offense; but you and the vast majority of people are clueless. Read any cloud storage agreement and you will find that they specifically state that the service provider does not guarantee anything about your data. Not it's loss; it's availability for retrieval, or who may or may not eventually gain access to it. It's the usual over the top legal CYA clauses in glorious redundancy. Rarely is the data even encrypted; and some discount services don't even support https. Cloud storage is a high tech cross-breed of three card monte and Russian roulette. The best you can hope for is a timely notification of when, not if; your data has been breached.

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