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  • Sep 10th, 2009 @ 9:54am

    (untitled comment)

    Aren't blogger sites protected from invasion from people like Beck? Doesn't the 42ND amend. allow satirists to BS? Where in the constitution does it say ANYTHING about "domain name dispute"? IT DOESN'T!!!!!!! because these are words made up by alleged lawyers of the alleged Glenn Shrek.I confirmed this on my OUIJY WHITE BOARD and it replied, "darn your smart".

    Any way, if you take the first letter of each of the following words (also known as a gramaphone): My name could be glenn beck and I want this to stop right away. This gives you MNCBGBAIWANTTSRA!!!!! Yeah, you can see where this is leading. Now, take this gramaphone and record it, play it backwards and you can hear "Paul is dead, paul is dead". Well, there was a little girl that wasn't raped by Glenn Beck whose name was......you got it...... PAUL. WHOAH NELLIE, I've proven it all! AND.... I'm told that Mr. Beck AND Paul were both alive in 1990 so Mr.B could very well have raped Paul but this cannot be proven unless Mr. B makes a confession or asks for leniency from the 1990 people.I think the residents of that state can now rest easy knowing that little Paul not only didn't die in vain but didn't die at all, in 1990. Now, in 1991.........

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