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  • Feb 10th, 2018 @ 9:14pm

    Tardy to the party---so sorry

    > "It will take generations to repair the damage being caused by the Trump presidency."

    Personally, I cannot imagine what Trump is thinking about.  But he never could have made it into his new job without Hillary.  The 2016 election was America's "Just say no to Hillary" moment.  (Didn't need no Russians for that.  They were an irrelevancy.)

    Back in 2016 when MSM announced that "Russians" had "hacked the DNC," I could already smell baloney.  "Russian hacking," intoned ad infinitum, was the meme du jour.

    "Russian meddling" is just a big joke now.  MSM got so enamored of the phrase, they wore it right out.  And we're still hearing it!  Tell us, how much ineffectual meddling/interference does it take to "tilt" an election?

    goalpost is one word
    humankind is one word
    no hyphen in nonpartisan
    no hyphen in nonpolitical
    no hyphen in worthwhile
    no reign in "reining them in"
    oftentimes is one word
  • Jan 20th, 2018 @ 1:12pm

    "Our happy Republic" is toast

    Don't look now but CIA is the new government.  Surprise!  The cockroaches behind the curtain are pulling the strings.

    References in comments I'm seeing these days as to "How's the weather in St. Petersburg" are sounding pretty silly.  Hillary didn't lose because of Russia.  U.S. election corruption is of the home-grown variety & probably favored Hillary.  What little "Russian meddling" there may have been was laughably ineffectual.  That's why the lamestream media doesn't harp on it so much any more.

    doublespeak is one word
    no hyphen in nonexisting (nonexistent, nonexistence)
    no hyphen in midterm, midterms
    schoolyard is one word
  • Nov 25th, 2017 @ 6:29am

    (untitled comment)

    Russian meddling (a.k.a. interference).  Russian meddling. Said it again just in case you missed it the first time.  It has been repeated like a mantra at least 24 times a day on NPR over the past year.  It is the meddling meme® & it needs desperately to be retired.  But CIA has no way to get rid of it.  Without it, they can't sustain their little propaganda war on Putin.  So we're stuck with it in perpetuum.  The meddling meme® is just a part of our (Orwellian) vocabulary now.  Thanks, MSM.

    & how is the investigation into that massively botched Vegas operation coming along?  Did that silly old man, Padlock, really fire all those big guns in one go?  Wait, there's a news blackout, ye say?  Impossible.  That can't happen here.

  • Nov 22nd, 2017 @ 2:11pm

    Addition to list

    Thanks for that one.  I intend to requisition it.  If you don’t mind, Anon.  It will be number 11.  One behaves differently when one knows one might be monitored.  Hat tip to Orwell.

    There is also a number 12:  watching real-life, real-time porn.  The spooks get to do that when they stumble onto it.  But I’m leaving that one off the list (for now).

  • Nov 22nd, 2017 @ 5:56am

    (untitled comment)

    Q.  How are backdoor searches carried out?
    A.  Via upstream surveillance.

    Q.  What is upstream surveillance?
    A.  It is the use of fiber optic stream splitters to record everything–– every bit & byte, 24/7.  "Collect it all."

    Q.  What is the purpose of upstream surveillance?
    A.  The reason always trotted out is to fight terrorism.

    Q.  Why use upstream surveillance on the citizenry?
    A.  There is no good reason.  & it is blatantly unconstitutional.

    Q.  What is the real purpose of domestic upstream surveillance?
    A.  There are several:

    Blackmail & coercion

    Insider trading & market manipulation

    Compromise of trade secrets

    Ownership of legislative bodies

    Ownership of the judiciary

    Exposure of political enemies

    Parallel construction

    Violation of attorney-client privilege

    As a time-machine to memorialize & discover past infractions/indiscretions

    Bottle up dissidents & contrarians

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