Jacob John McCarter’s Techdirt Profile


About Jacob John McCarter

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  • Nov 12th, 2010 @ 11:06am

    (untitled comment)

    Thanks Tim for what you have done. Thanks Mike for showing us how to properly go about using what Tim has done.
  • Oct 12th, 2010 @ 11:05pm

    Re: Re: Re: Requires stupid fans with time to waste.

    You sir have bested me in writ and wit causing me to now retire from my zero money making non-career... Just as soon as I finish this song I'm writing about Dante's trademark infringing inferno.
  • Oct 12th, 2010 @ 9:18pm

    Re: Requires stupid fans with time to waste.

    No one is forcing him to do this just as no one is forcing you to read techdirt and post a response. With your logic you must also realize that you are 'stupid' in 'wasting' your time in responding to an article about 'stupid' time 'wasting'. If you didn't care I doubt you would be here commenting.

    I also create music in addition to DJing and adore the idea of copyleft. Even as I could apply it to you. If you can find my music I encourage you to copy it, give it to everyone and tell them how much I suck. Sell the music if you like and I wouldn't want any of the profit. Matheny seems to be making music for the same reason I do. This reason is (brace yourself) I LIKE DOING IT.

    I have made my peace. Please respond in kind.
  • Oct 12th, 2010 @ 9:07pm

    (untitled comment)

    For this to truly be open I see it as something that must be done with thick intrinsic viscosity and in doing so would take far to long for those thinking in extrinsic avenues (money, advertising, etc.) to back it. Also coming into play are infinite capyright issues which I will not go into as you are already here at techdirt reading and would be in sad shape not to know about. Instead of writing a page on the subject of an open national library (God bless those that would get to the bottom of it) I say that I would gladly scan and submit books I own as well as my magazines (which are mostly of the nature of music creation and thoery) due to me being a (sic) musician and DJ as well as an advocate of copyleft and creative commons.

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