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  • Jun 2nd, 2011 @ 11:06am

    Opportunity, Not Threat

    Sounds like a great opportunity to show our gratitude!

    It would be nice to see folks bailing on the video and audio distraction and moving toward the creation and consumption of original content. The video and audio distraction (and to a lesser degree of litigiousness the written distraction) industries get most of their plots and lyrics from us, and are in business to sell them back to us.

    Perhaps the industries could save money on their litigation and lobbying expenses and switch sending us on guilt trips by showing us "Save the Actor/Musician" commercials. "This young actor is forced to dumpster dive because of the movies you download illegally. And this famous singer/songwriter is now homeless because he couldn't afford his house payment because you found his album on Limewire." Heck, the commercials could go viral and end up bringing in more money than the movies and songs would have!

    Yeah, right. Still, those of use that actually pay for the content are paying more for lawyers and lobbyists, than fresh new content. It's a good thing for them that bad PR is better than none at all!

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