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  • Feb 4th, 2020 @ 6:35am

    Re: Re: Re: Theft vs 'Theft'

    The rise of global banana republics.

    Consider that organizations like the Atlantic Council, the WEF/Davos, the CFR, and numerous others exist as non-partisan/bipartisan membership entities.
    Even often spanning beyond "nationalistic" tendencies.

    The "Father of Spin", Edward Bernays, in his 1928 book "Propaganda" wrote:
    "If you can influence the leaders, either with or without their conscious cooperation, you automatically influence the group which they sway"

    "The best defense against propaganda: more propaganda."

    -Quoted in L. Tye The Father of Spin (1998) p. 102-

    As in calling out an imaginary "deep state" whilst continuing to work for & support the true deep state.

    The vast majority of humans are highly insecure and need group identity.
    The vast majority of humans resort to the seeming instinct of "Dichotomous thinking" (i.e. groupthink {incl. 'in-group" & out-group], this or that, one or the other) and therefore tend to lump things into mere polar opposites.
    They largely struggle with complicated concepts, organizational structures and/or operations.

    As such, much human thinking and behavior is easily manipulated via groupthink propaganda.

    As the mindless masses are continually herded into "polar/dichotomously opposing" groups, and kept busily distracted blaming & fighting each other over which sides "leaders" are more corrupt, those elite at the top are able to avoid detection/accountability.

    It's interesting to read many of these old comments from say 2016, blaming the "Dems", yet now in 2019 with a "GOP" prez and senate, nothing has changed.
    Where o' where are your "Great White Knights" in the "GOP" saving us from the ongoing Constitutional crises that continue?

    Assange, Snowden, Dotcom.....shall I continue?
    Each was persecuted by the "Dem" leadership, each continue to be persecuted by the "GOP" leadership.

    And yet the richest of the rich keep gaining unprecedented wealth.
    The most powerful elite gain ever-more power.

    Since the 1980's, more & more of the largest "competing" corporations, in most every single industry, have become increasingly consolidated under the same largest ownership schema.
    The same largest money-management & investment firms exist as the largest concentrated shareholders of most everything.
    Plus, they exist as the largest shareholders/investors of each other.

    Like one huge cartel.

    They control the U.S., and thus global economy (take a look at how much U.S. money is invested in the largest Chinese firms).
    As such, they control politics.
    And as such, they control governments.

    Even a "billionaire" prez is no match for the tens of trillions held & controlled by the elite.
    Money IS power.
    Those elite maintain the wealth to maintain power & control over anyone, especially those "in power".

    Only those that pledge & demonstrate unwavering allegiance to those elite are allowed to advance up the hierarchy.

    "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains. One man thinks himself the master of others, but remains more of a slave than they are."
    -Jean Jacques Rousseau, "The Social Contract"-

    The former Age of Enlightenment has been dying a slow death.

    Rights, freedoms, liberties and justice are increasingly assigned based on wealth.

    People are increasingly being judged not just solely on the amount of capital they move in their lifetimes, but further on the amount of capital they direct to the .0002% (the billionaire class).

    As Kim Dotcom (and his followers) gripes about the "liberals" and "Dems" stealing his money, both the "GOP" and "Dems", the neoconservatives and neoliberals, are continuing to steal tens of trillions from the commoners of the world, and hand those tens of trillions to the largest banks & trading houses, creating one of the largest stock bubbles (and numerous other asset bubbles) in known history (read about the South Sea and other corporate scandals in 18th century England, which largely led to the American, French & English revolutions).

    As Kim Dotcom (and his followers) continue to complain of the "liberal" U.S. attempts to enslave him (likely via incarceration), the commoners of the world are forced deeper into their own enslavement, but cheering that enslavement as it comes from the "right" as opposed to that coming from the "left".

    Enslavement is enslavement, regardless the partisan identity of the Masters.

    Kudos to Super Skepti for cutting thru the "partisan" b.s. & being one of the very few to recognize & identify this growing problem.

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