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  • Jul 28th, 2016 @ 12:48pm

    Re: Re:

    After being ordered a year protection order and able to leave Jasper, GA in 2013 with my children and move home to Maryland, I could not believe the amount of corruption that goes on in that court system. DFACS had removed my ex from the home when the protection order was given. A friend of mine months after I left sends me pictures of him drinking at a party with the same DFACS worker that removed him who's boyfriend happen to be his bails-bondman. Georgia having jurisdiction I was not made aware of hearings, bench conferences were happening without my knowledge and orders being changed without me knowing with no hearing. My Ex had gotten 2 years of child support continuances and had no responsibility for our children yet I was ordered to drive to Jasper from Maryland so he could visit with them. Until 2 days ago I have called the Victims Advocate leaving messages for almost 2 years trying to find out about what was going on with my ex's protection order violations and bond violations with not one phone call returned. When the story broke of my ex's attorney Mark Miller being jailed I was hoping it would expose all the corruption and the total lack of concern for children and the 'good ole boy' mentality that runs the court system. When I finally called 2 days ago and made it known I wanted to speak with someone who could answer my questions I finally got a call back. I was told that the case had been on the calendar several times they were not sure why it wasn't heard but Judge Weaver filed a recusal in the case in 2014 and it just has never been put on the calendar.... Well that explains alot, My Ex cuts Judge Weavers grass and does work for her Attorney husband at properties they own. The last threatening phone call I got from my ex 2 days before his attorney was arrested he said ' I don't think you want me to drag you back to Jasper where I have pull in the court system" .. Thank you Mark Thomason and Russell Stookey for exposing what really goes on!!!!

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