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  • Jan 26th, 2017 @ 4:09pm

    Re: Re: Re: someone needs to argue the tax base revunue

    I think you're looking too small, my friend, as in limiting your view to taxes the current ISPs with a static customer base would be paying, if the only change caused by increased competition was merely lower costs to consumer and reduced corporate revenue. I don't profess to have any kind of knowledge in economics beyond my MicroEcon 101 class, but I can guarantee that removing restrictions and increased competition will result in a larger amount of aggregate taxes into the State's coffers.

    How? If ISPs are to reach the more extreme rural areas and provide broadband as defined by the FCC to as many customers as possible, there must be increased infrastructure spending by all ISPs that want to gain customers. There will then be visible and verifiable spending in developing technology, not just lip-service promises most ISPs give now. Taxes are paid on such build out and research, and on salaries paid to line crews and lab technicians.

    By making service more readily available to customers in areas currently underserved or ignored by incumbent ISPs - areas which will become enshrined as ignored if bills such as HB 2108 are passed - the number of customer accounts which can be assessed taxes will be increased. Increased competition will result in more affordable rates for base service packages, which will entice more consumers to subscribe for higher-tier packages and / or additional service packages, thereby increasing sales, which means - say it with me - increased taxes.

    Larger taxable base, increased spending for infrastructure, and an incentive of value for consumers to subscribe to affordable premium packages, will result in increased taxes paid.

    THAT I do know is part of the idea of economics of scale.

  • Jan 25th, 2017 @ 6:45pm

    Re: Balderdash

    I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, or you're just really that ignorant. You've been drinking too much of the Corporate Kool-Aid. Comcast will effing RAPE the consumer, small content providers, and start-up businesses if net neutrality rules are rolled back.

    You really think that Comcast only just recently started providing horrible customer support and raising rates faster than the Cost of Living Index? You really think it's only to spite Wheeler and his attempts to provide fair Internet access for consumers and business?

    I want some of the drugs you're taking, dude. They must really take you on a hallucinogenic trip more powerful than LSD.

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