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  • Jun 12th, 2021 @ 6:22pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Privacy?

    I don't like anyone listening in on what I am doing or saying, or not saying when I am home alone, it's because I want to be alone. I refuse to go through all the lock and security issues you and authorities or anyone feels are needed to gain privacy from nosy, peeping toms who can't mind their own business. It's like living in a cage, cut off from society, and hiding from the world in order to gain what is every person who seeks privacy, the right to it. I don't want to double pane doors, insulate and close my vents, check all windows or any possible form of noise coming from me or my home closed off. I want to confront the people who feel they have to live vicariously through me or anyone else to complete themselves. Bulls@%%t they are protecting themselves or the neighborhood by listening in on their neighbors, or video taping with these surveillance cameras private residences are being video taped. Hey, people may want to skinny dip in their own pools, or maybe mom and dad got frisky after the kids went to bed and got it on in the backyard which without a camera would be concealed from neighbors due to the plants and whatever else used to be all you needed to keep prying eyes from seeing your private acts. Even if you are just sitting out and reading a book, or hanging clothes, picking your nose, scratching your ass, or chewing your toenails, and it is being observed without your knowledge or consent, it's not acceptable, and it needs to stop. First, people who do this are mentally sick people, they have a mental problem that is being excused by all who know it's wrong, because the safety of the neighborhood is what they are told is the underlying need for these acts of voyeurism and peeping tom type of people. Well, let them get a dog and walk around the neighborhood, if I find a person in my business, I'm going to make sure that person gets to learn what I do to those who feel the need to make me feel unsafe in my own home. I'm taking a camera right into their yard, one that I will be holding and a microphone with big speakers that the neighborhood can hear, and I'm video taping them for at least 2 hours a night, right where they can see me doing it. If I am harrassed by the cops, because I'm doing the same thing they are doing to me, my case will be made, the only difference in what I will do to them is I'm not sneaky about it, I'm right in their face. Until I have an actual perpetrator of this type of behavior, I am very aware of the many ways that my devices, remotes, and anything capable of transmitting audio, or video, so I have black tape over all my cameras in any device and I use a sound box to put my devices, laptop, cellphone and remote into what I call, 'time out', then store them in a closet. I have a home phone for friends to call me on, I only use my cell phone when I am out and know I have to call or will be called on it. 99% of the time, I let it rot in the sound box or a drawer, I can't find or answer the stupid thing in time to talk to anyone, so I don't even give the number out. If it rings, I know it's scammers, it's good for texts, but I barely text on it. Too small, can't touch it without messing up whatever I thought I wanted to do on it, my face can't touch it or it goes to some other screen, so it's just a fade that I never really caught onto, and don't need. It's being used by apps. that I can't uninstall, and they kill my battery, so it's always in need of a charge. I have to shut off my wifi connection and forget it, in order to keep the battery from being used when I don't use it. However, I don't waste my money on bills to pay for it either, when I freed myself from being a slave to a little noisy piece of crap that just annoyed me as I was out and about, I got a free phone, and have had it for 7 years now, I just have to remember to make a call once a month, it's got all the same things that paid service providers give to their customers and I don't get billed at all, just notified that the service has all the unlimited texts and calls every month replenished from the carrier. I don't know why everyone doesn't have one, each household is allowed one free phone, but I guess it's not the same to those who enjoy paying for the same thing, I don't get it. Maybe it's not a popular decision, why would all the other carriers tell them to pay for the service if they knew customers could get it for free? Big business, would become small potatoes, can't have that. As for what to do in order to keep your conversations from being heard, I put my music on and listen to it as often as I can, and it's hard to hear over that. I have even bought a few CD's that have every repulsive sound a human body can make, and I throw that on for fun, let them talk about my bodily functions for a while, if I find out about it, I know how the information was obtained. Even thought about making up a whole illegal deal with a few friends as we bait a trap, and speak of robbing some place, or something horrible, maybe the dead bodies we have buried in the woods, and moving them. See who starts acting different around us, who shows more interest than usual as they learn about what we are doing. It's not going to stop with any person who should stop it, so it has to be dealt with by ourselves, and there are so many ways to make it happen. Everyone just has to make up their minds that they are not going to live like prisoners or victims of who is hunting for information to hurt them with, who cares what they say, or who they say it to. None of them are entitled to any information than what we give them, the rest is for us to know, and keep to ourselves. NUNYA, the business that is none of yours, called the NUNYA Business, we need to stand firm on stopping this nonsense, and taking back our lives. Class action suits need to be filed, and people have to decide one way or the other. Have a great night.

  • Jun 12th, 2021 @ 5:14pm

    Can't find the posting I wanted to reply to

    I tried to reply to a posting on people who are being invaded by neighbors who are infringing on the privacy of other neighbors, in the name of keeping the neighborhood safe. But, had to register first, and now I can't find the postings.

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