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  • Sep 10th, 2016 @ 9:11pm

    Re: She Should be in Jail

    "But the FBI found no evidence of maliciousness."
    Sorry, but any of us peons with clearances would be in jail, awaiting our day in court. Bail? You've got to be shitting me, we know we wouldn't be allowed out at any price.

    However the American nobility have known for a long time that laws don't apply to them. Unfortunately for the rest of us, the nobility keeps expanding, and the rest run the risk of getting their cash & debit cards arrested, because our government needs more money to support the noble causes (& expenses).
  • Sep 9th, 2016 @ 8:32pm

    Re: Applauding Scheme

    After 45+ years of working in/with Federal Government Agencies (FGA) & large corporations (Corps), I have to agree that both have neither morals or ethics, nor do the people running these organizations think that they should, and worse yet to me, neither does the judiciary that judge their actions. Both FGA and Corps state that the only thing that's important is giving a good return to those that support them. For FGA it is the President, his/her advisers, and Congress. For Corps it is cash to the stockholders. So, punishing either by reducing available cash or stock price, is more likely to work than appealing to their non-existent morals or ethics.

    on the 2nd point, broadcasting a security vulnerability seems both immoral & unethical to me. I think that a more comfortable path (for my own morals & ethics at least) would be to follow a traditional path of releasing the security holes to one of the government agencies (e.g. or commercial groups (e.g. that supports such reporting.
  • Jun 17th, 2016 @ 10:57pm


    Antibiotics are good because they can be patented by pharma. Bacteriophages are bad because are naturally occurring and can't be patented, even though their job in life is to kill bacteria. At one time parts of Europe & Asia used bacteriophages (note that this site doesn't even consider this to be a word!) control bacteria, but they have been educated by pharma to only use commercial products.

    Recently the FDA has recognized bacteriophages as relevant to fighting bacteria:
    "Intralytix’s ListShield™, the first phage product approved by the FDA as a food additive, targets Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat meat and poultry (e.g., deli meats and frankfurters).7 The microbe, which also contaminates dairy products and raw produce, grows even in refrigerated foods and causes a serious infection called listeriosis with a fatality rate of about 20%" quote from
  • Apr 17th, 2016 @ 7:20pm

    Re: I.T. Guy

    Tried it 10 years ago. Didn't go well. If the cell phone wasn't charging, went dead in under 2 hours. If it was charging, it could also get a signal in/out. I think that airplane mode, for most cell phones, doesn't allow YOU any access, but doesn't stop the phone from providing info requested.
  • Apr 4th, 2016 @ 4:40pm

    Natural Maple flavored Quaker...

    The natural maple flavor is extracted from fenugreek seeds. Wonder what they do with the left overs.
  • Apr 2nd, 2016 @ 10:10pm

    That Anonymous Coward RE:RE:RE:

    as they said on, "Looking for a new and engaging way to interact with your audience? Have amazing content or a cool experience you'd love to get discovered? Kik offers brands and content providers unique ways to talk with their fans, and find new followers too!" KIK is good for everybody because, "...Kik isn't just about our users chatting with their friends. Our marketing tools let brands talk to and share cool content with our users, and track the results...". We all know that being tracked is what we all really need.

    But that's not all, they also run
  • Mar 27th, 2016 @ 7:21pm

    Re: Still fighting the wrong fight: Shun them

    These sites legally KILL our PCs, and WHINE when we refuse to let them.
    Let them die in the dark alone.
    They do NOT deserve to be for profit internet sites.
    Consumers have the obvious right to shun them.
    Shun: in your eyes they do not exist. Do not visit them, do not acknowledge that they exist, and eventually they will change, or cease to exist.
  • Mar 27th, 2016 @ 6:11pm

    Re: Re: Workaround [stealing by refusing to run malware]

    Stealing by refusing to execute malware.
    Stealing by refusing to execute malware.
    Lets see, Conde Nast (& any other site that cares to look) knows that I didn't kill my PC by downloading their malware serving advertisement, and you consider that stealing? Perhaps I misunderstood, and you know that they are stealing from their readers.
    Possibly if they watched their own ads, and had to spend their own money rebuilding their own PCs & networks, they would care more. I wonder if Conde Nast employees are required to use ad blockers to view their own sites, so that the IT expenses are smaller?
  • Mar 27th, 2016 @ 5:03pm

    Conde Nast is not responsible

    I agree that Conde Nast does not take responsibility for ads on their sites serving malware to their customers. It would eat into Conde Nasts profits if they attempted to prevent malware serving ads causing their readers to spend hundreds of dollars rebuilding their computers. Conde Nasts real customers are their stock holders, and corporations have no responsibility to address morality over profits. Indeed in our courts of law corporations can lose law suits for doing so. You, however dear Conde Nast reader, can legally be punished for trying to keep your PC from being taken over by malware served by Conde Nast. Please don't think bad of Conde Nast for attempting to make a bigger profit out of the misery they willing serve you.
  • Feb 26th, 2016 @ 8:39pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Whatever


    I live the OPM nightmare. Having held a security clearance prior to the break in, OPM "no longer has any data" on me.

    "...Don't fall for it"?: our government can't protect any data. ...and you want to give them access to what? Go live in a glass house with no curtains, and post your life on poster boards in your front yard. Though that's the access asked for, know that it is illegal for you to provide it, "We must protect the children" from you.
  • Feb 26th, 2016 @ 8:27pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: People who Subsist

    I am also required to memorize continuously changing complex (15 chara mixed alpha, numeric, caps, spacial-charas) passwords, and most are limited to 3 time-spaced tries. Our security department HATES the company year end two week shutdowm, because of the number of login failures (3-tries and you're out!).

    Typical large companies "settle" with the IRS three or more years after taxes are due. They aren't following this APPLE vs. FBI courtship, but if they would be having hissy-fits if they were. Direct Government access into anybodies database (in this case in an IPhone), affords the government the ability to short circuit any investigation by the Government interpreting what you meant in a quick email to what they want you to have meant. In this example, going after the meaning of data of unrepresented dead killers.
  • Feb 26th, 2016 @ 7:51pm

    Re: Just take a lesson from FOIA costs...

    "...a4 paper from a dotmatrix printer...": not far enough. Needs to be electronicly sent through a low rate fax (360x480) & then printed 4 sheets to a page (double sided) "To Save The Trees". At least that how HR responds to employees requests in our company.
  • Feb 26th, 2016 @ 7:45pm

    Re: Re: Miranda Rights: Witnesses not so

    True, witnesses essentially have no rights (5th: I'm a criminal?), except to go to jail if the FBI doesn't like what you say in their court.
  • Nov 12th, 2015 @ 5:52pm

    re: Specious, Personanongrata, Nov 12th, 2015 @ 2:20pm

    Humanity has known how to relatively cheaply reduce global warming for over half a century. It is called nuclear winter, and is the expected effect of a nuclear war. The Chinese, Russians, and North Koreans all again seem willing to help.

    Another alternative, though less exciting would be to simply pump ocean water into all available volcanic caldera. This would generate a similar effect of stratospheric microscopic particles reflecting sunlight, reducing global temperatures, & reducing the amount/growth of life on Earth. All good warmist goals.
  • May 1st, 2012 @ 7:45pm

    Re: RE:


    I guess you've never had someone elses garbage reported under your name. It is amazing how many organizations think that if you are John Smith, and somewhere somebody named John Smith broke a law it is your problem, and you should be in jail until it gets sorted out!

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