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I do things. Tech things. I'm sarcastic.

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  • May 24th, 2012 @ 1:00pm

    resurrection (as John Sherman)

    Jesus: "Lazarus, come forth!"
    Lazarus: "Thank you Jesus!"
    Jesus: "Here's an itemized bill for resurrection. Now, we do have a package that's above your basic resurrection. If you want to remember your kids, that'll be a bit extra"
    Lazarus: "ummmm"
    Jesus: "Oh, converting to those Roman gods will be considered a contract violation which will cause termination."
    Lazarus: "wait.. what?"
    Jesus: "One last thing, in order to add value, we'll require you to sign this 2 year contract which will cover the initial resurrection, but will need to be resubscribed to continue further years of service."
    Lazarus: "this deal keeps getting worse."
    Jesus: "if future termination is not natural, as by accident or act of God, that will also invalidate the contract and any future resurrections will need to be paid in full"

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