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  • Jan 23rd, 2017 @ 12:26pm

    Re: Ninja comment on 23 Jan '17 @ 1107hrs

    I do agree with your statement, however ...
    You understate the prevalence & severity of these abuses!
    Your words "... is screwing mostly innocent people ..." should be (IMHO) "is screwing ANY innocent people, leaving them without ANY recourse, ...".

    Were these laws unwisely written & blindly passed in the publicity rush to facilitate "The War on Drugs"?
    Or (tinfoil-hat alert) were these laws covertly attacking our U.S. Constitution, covertly eroding our civil rights, & covertly raising revenue without raising taxes?
    Perhaps no more so the the more recent Patriot Act supporting "The War on Terrorism". (We are winning these battles, real soon now, right? This year, right?)

    IMHO, one more example of Legislative stupidity, "gotta do something" rather than really studying the issue & developing a sustainable solution. SSDD in all legislative bodies at all levels since the 70's, IMHO. Law makers at one time wrote bills themselves (with their staff & legal advisor) and read all they voted on, for-or-against.
    Today's lawmakers get the bills they sponsor or propose written for them by Lobbyists!
  • Jan 23rd, 2017 @ 11:35am

    Re: Not parallel construction

    I am unclear as to the premise of your comment. To me it is incomplete &/or unsupported.

    In any case, I urge any & all to Google the following phrases (although they are similar, each returns different Search Results):
    - U.S. Civil Asset Forfeiture abuse
    - U.S. Civil Asset Forfeiture abuse cases
    - state-by-state Civil Asset Forfeiture laws
    - Civil Asset Forfeiture reforms
    - Civil Asset Forfeiture reforms needed
    - Civil Asset Forfeiture reforms urgently needed

    Why do I believe we all need to look-into this issue? Consider the following scenario.
    Anyone could be pulled-over for a malfunctioning tail/stop or license-plate lamp.
    Previously your significant-other broke a bag of sugar/flour/plant-food while unloading the groceries, leaving a "white powder residue" visible to the officer conducting the traffic stop.
    Your vehicle is seized for evidence of a suspected drug in plain-sight.
    Of course, it will be analyzed by the authorities, later.
    But if the seizure is concurrently processed as a Civil Forfeiture,
    based only on the possibility (the officer's perception) that it is contraband,
    by the time the forensic analysis is returned,
    your property could be well beyond your reach!
  • Jan 23rd, 2017 @ 10:46am

    Re: (subject was left blank)

    Perhaps, "... did fix a problem to begin with ..." is accurate, however, the original intent was not specifically written into the laws.

    There were no constructive limits to its application (only limited by the creative writing abilities of the "arresting" officer doing the seizing).

    Nothing was written into the statutes specifying any accounting-for of the property. This simple "oversight" has resulted in truly innocent folks having almost no recovery methods (other than lawyer & court battles at their own expense without ultimate recovery of those fees) to get their stuff returned!

    I believe I read somewhere that some court ruling decided that the seizing agency cannot be forced to reveal where the property itself (or deed or title) is actually located so that the rightful owner may recover it. I believe anybody interested in this "legal" point can find something poignant using Google Search. If anybody is really interested in finding a solution to this abuse, that is!
  • Jan 23rd, 2017 @ 10:25am


  • Jan 18th, 2017 @ 4:36pm

    Re: fuck getty, et alia

    My Dear Mr./Ms./Miss/Master/Mistress/OrWhateverYeBe:

    I applaud your equal-opportunity bigotry!
    'Tis not often we see all-inclusive stereotyped classes so uniformly fucked-at!
    Do carry-on the difficult but necessary task you have undertaken.
  • Jan 18th, 2017 @ 3:38pm

    Re: What the heck does CwF + RtB mean?

    My Dear Mr. or Ms. or Master or Mistress Coward:

    It is apparent why you have chosen to Anonymous, to me at least. Wasting our precious bandwidth by posing the kwestun you have, instead of S'gTFW, using Google, bing, Yahoo!, DuckDuckGo, or even яндекс (yandex), is IMHO, a neophyte move, or a trollish one.
  • Jan 18th, 2017 @ 2:57pm

    Welcome to the Age of Everyman's Private Facts!

    Can there be rational discussions, valid conclusions, or any solutions without a commonly agreed set of Definitions and of Facts & Figures?

    How can one communicate with the paid-propagandists, the willfully ignorant, the anti-intellectuals, the volunteer-propagandists, and the political loyalists (seemingly unpatriotic by their actions)? Obfuscators, they be, one and all! Or are the simply suffering sociopaths (or psychopaths) overwhelmed by the complexities of the World today?

    Words used accurately should be describing reality, facilitating cooperative solution-seeking, I believe.

    Pity is all we can offer the self-deluded fearful fools trying to create Reality with their creative writing, fantasies, lies, IMHO.
  • Sep 7th, 2015 @ 6:22am

    Re: "I feel like none of you know the reality..."

    You've provided no corroborative nor supportive references or links. (not even anecdotal stories) How is one to consider you comment as contributing to the conversation? Subjectively, I disregard spouted-out opinions as valueless bandwidth and time wasting noise.
    What is the use of your comment past "venting" about some personal unrevealed previous perceived "injury" by the Court? Care to share?
  • Sep 7th, 2015 @ 4:39am


    The link goes through to
    "a round tuit - Google (image) Search".
    Cute it is.
    But what contribution to the conversation is it?
    Please assist me in understanding
    why it is not simply juvenile!
  • Sep 6th, 2015 @ 3:21am

    Re: artikel for all

    Contains link out to a Javanese(?) store site.
    I feel they should pay for "real" ad space on Techdirt!
    Reported as Forum spam.

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