They have drones that can see into your vehicle, I could be picking my face and they think I’m smoking, so they have to send ground team to look into the vehicle.
Test 1 & 2:
Equipment: Vehicle with darkest 3M ceramic window tint, custom sun shield, Glock 19.
Method: Windows rolled up, sun shield up, body and gun below window level, point a weapon at ground teams vehicle.
Results: after 10 seconds ground alerted that lifes in danger and then leaves the area, same test repeated and ground team driver ducks ands moves repeatedly and then leaves shortly thereafter.
Test 3:
Equipment: Same
Method: windows and sunshield up. Pull into a very dark lot with insufficient low level lighting (LLL) and park.
Result: You should see closest commercial lighting turn on or become brighter to illuminate your vehicle enough for spectrum analysis from sky and monocular viewing of ground team.
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Re: Invasion of Privacy
Drone Stalking me:
Test 2 video footage:
For the freedom of all mankind, I submit evidence for use in future litigation.
Your welcome…
Invasion of Privacy
They have drones that can see into your vehicle, I could be picking my face and they think I’m smoking, so they have to send ground team to look into the vehicle.
Test 1 & 2:
Equipment: Vehicle with darkest 3M ceramic window tint, custom sun shield, Glock 19.
Method: Windows rolled up, sun shield up, body and gun below window level, point a weapon at ground teams vehicle.
Results: after 10 seconds ground alerted that lifes in danger and then leaves the area, same test repeated and ground team driver ducks ands moves repeatedly and then leaves shortly thereafter.
Test 3:
Equipment: Same
Method: windows and sunshield up. Pull into a very dark lot with insufficient low level lighting (LLL) and park.
Result: You should see closest commercial lighting turn on or become brighter to illuminate your vehicle enough for spectrum analysis from sky and monocular viewing of ground team.