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  • Nov 16th, 2010 @ 9:20am

    Re: Want to avoid both screening measures?

    Did you seriously say that people in burkas are the most likely to plant a bomb on a plane? Have you seen pictures of the 9/11 hijackers, or the shoe bomber, or the underwear bomber?
  • Nov 2nd, 2010 @ 3:04pm


    There's a deli here in Philadelphia that rounds pennies just like they mention in the note on this Dunkin Donuts, and no one says anything. I'll be glad if pennies ever disappear in this country. Australia seemed to function fine without a one cent piece the last time I was there.
  • Sep 2nd, 2010 @ 7:28pm

    Go after the labels, not the distributor.

    From the sounds of it, if publishers have to pursue record labels for their fair cut of a sale, going around them and taking aim at the point of sale seems to validate and further enable the notoriously poor accounting practices that plague record labels, while forcing the publishers to go after imaginary money.

    Certainly, if Apple does shift to an all-streaming model (I'll keep downloading from Amazon, thx) I can understand publishers getting a cut from those transactions, as money is changing hands.

    As far as Apple's business of selling devices that publishers don't share in the profit of, if publishers were to get a percentage of the sale of iPhones, Macintosh computers, iPods, and so forth, that seems to me to be grossly overreaching, a kind of handout-style subsidization of publishing companies, much like the tax on CDRs in Canada. The primary purpose of the iTunes store is to sell content. Did publishers get a cut of each sale of the Sony Walkman when that was the hot music delivery device?
  • Aug 27th, 2010 @ 8:23am

    HTML5 will not replace Flash nor Silverlight

    While you certainly can make pretty shapes in a canvas tag, the implementation of audio in HTML5 is abysmal at best. I'm learning this in great detail as I futz around with emulating a specific drum machine in HTML5 and Javascript.

    The notion that HTML5 will replace Flash (or Silverlight) is like saying HTML5 will replace JPGs.
  • Aug 4th, 2010 @ 11:27am

    Very interesting, I had no idea.

    I had always assumed sound recordings also fell under the 1923 public domain timeline. Thanks, and great insight into the pre-industry Congressional outlook on copyrighting.

    Copyright warehousing depresses the hell out of me.
  • Jul 20th, 2010 @ 1:39pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

    Does the anti-mike even legitimately post here any more? How many readers even know what TAM stands for anyway?

    If a clown's going to show up - even wearing another clown's suit, and he's welcome to the venue, why not let him entertain?
  • Jul 20th, 2010 @ 1:03pm

    Re: Re: Re:

    Curious - what's your take on the world of classical music, if you're telling us that cover bands aren't even real bands? Some of the best musicians in the world play other people's music almost exclusively.
  • Jul 20th, 2010 @ 12:57pm


    Apparently you've never opened the entertainment section of your local free weekly newspaper. "Tribute" bands are a dime a dozen.
  • Apr 27th, 2010 @ 8:05am

    Don't forget Golan vs. Gonzales

    Sometimes in this amazing country, a work's copyright can expire, letting it become part of the public domain, and then be un-public-domained through legal wrangling, a la Fritz Lang's Metropolis.

  • Feb 17th, 2010 @ 1:22pm

    Don't host music, roll your own CMS.

    I've been running a music blog for over a decade. I grumbled when other sites leapfrogged my traffic by posting MP3s, but after P2P got big, they died off, and my site's still running. Want to link to music on your blog? Work within your means. Post it on YouTube if you have to. Whenever I post about an album or song I like, I link to Amazon and iTunes - I know that if people want to download it elsewhere, they can find it almost as quickly as I could link to the torrent myself.

    Don't bother hosting MP3s yourself unless you're capable of running some variety of media server (Flash? Windows? whatever) - if you're a blog, focus on LOGGING (i.e. writing) and you'll be sure to outlive so-called blogs that serve to host downloads.

    Look at Pitchfork, for example. Did they get popular because they hosted MP3s?
  • Feb 9th, 2010 @ 2:00pm

    Re: Re: Re:

    Surely it's a fool thinking he's clever when he feels smart by not paying for music he likes.

    Growing up in smalltown York, PA we had a small community of punk bands (and fans) that kept doing what it was doing because of catch phrases like "Support local talent." With the advent of distribution on the internet, you don't really need the 'local' part in there.

    You get close enough insights into the music and the musicians, you get a better understanding of the process involved. I think it is extremely short-sighted to say that supporting artists you enjoy is stupid.
  • Dec 15th, 2009 @ 9:18pm


    I keep thinking that no decisions made by newspaper companies or record labels will surprise me, and then a story comes up about how a newspaper is demanding that you pay to link to them.

    Good riddance.
  • Dec 9th, 2009 @ 2:16pm


    You mean "someone to sue a decade down the line when you realize he's had all the contracts written up in such a way that he gets at least 75% of all the income, and you get to make music."

    Does anyone have VH1's Behind the Music archived online somewhere?
  • Oct 29th, 2009 @ 9:07am

    An explanation of how that match might have been made

    When something's in the public domain, that original work is in the public domain. However, derivative works may be created and copyrighted. Take for example the various versions of Fritz Lang's Metropolis - available in the public domain. Various re-edits and re-masters? Copyrighted.

    Perhaps someone took the music in question, made some kind of derivative work (say, ran it through software filters for compression and limiting, and branded the result a 'remaster') - this new work is potentially copyrightable.

    I'm not sure exactly how much modification needs to be done before you can qualify your work as different enough from public domain to warrant its own copyright. In the case of the really nice Metropolis remaster, I can understand why there's at least some level of legal copy protection - a lot of work went into that, and the costs should be recouped.
  • Oct 27th, 2009 @ 1:11pm

    And a new contract clause is spawned...

    I think this is great (and I don't care about football), but I'm sure it won't be long before any new NFL contracts take this kind of thing into account - if it's not already covered by some obscure clause written in over-inclusive language.
  • Sep 30th, 2009 @ 3:13pm

    Do not mess around with the BCIS/INS

    Immigration is a bitch. My wife immigrated to the US from Australia - and we made VERY well sure that everything was kosher with the BCIS before she ventured out of this country.

    If you don't have time to look that stuff up for yourself, hire an immigration lawyer.

    There is no shortage of bureaucracy revolving around American immigration, but if you can't handle that... eh. I shouldn't get too presumptuous, really. For everything they officially tell you about immigration, there's a good measure of things you seemingly have to find out through other immigrants who've been through the process.

    Bottom line: When you're an immigrant in the US, be prepared at any time to deal with this kind of thing, just in case. Good luck, Sharan.
  • Sep 30th, 2009 @ 11:20am

    Dean Singleton hasn't had a clue in a decade.

    I used to work in 'new media' for a Pennsylvania newspaper company back in the late 90s, and was at a fairly decent-sized regional meeting where Dean Singleton presided. Some of the things that came out of that guys mouth made me wonder if he'd ever used the internet.

    His idea of newspaper website perfection consisted of forcing everyone into cookie-cutter templates without variation (the only variation being the masthead), and a de-emphasis on local content. He specifically addressed the idea that some papers had of running their own custom websites - "Tough shit!"

    Never mind that the custom site I'd help launch for our paper completely spanked the cookiecutter Medianews sites in traffic, usability, and just about everything else.

    Apparently ten years later, the guy still doesn't have a clue... although I'm sure he still has his amazing new house in Denver. He was complaining at the time about how he was on a waiting list for a land line because the city's tech industry was booming so hard.

    Singleton leads the pack of folks who refer to articles as, quoting, "The stuff between the ads."
  • Sep 15th, 2009 @ 2:11pm

    A la The Maxx

    A similar issue has kept the MTV animated production of The Maxx from coming out on DVD. Too bad... there's a great SVHS'd-from-satellite 2xDVD set available on the torrents though. In stereo, too!
    Too bad so many people try to stick their fingers in the pie - and expect a larger piece than is reasonable.
  • Sep 10th, 2009 @ 2:30pm

    Weird, that's not been my experience.

    For your anecdote, I give you my anecdote!

    My wife is a composer (you may have heard about a piece she had performed this past weekend, The Gonzales Cantata) - and she had a piece performed at the Kimmel Center in Philly. Much to our surprise, we got a note from ASCAP a few months later for that single performance of a single song. Mind you, we didn't actually get paid for the performance, because ASCAP's fees were taken out of the check, but I was still surprised that they'd tracked that down.
  • Aug 25th, 2009 @ 3:26pm

    Talent borrows, genius steals.

    It's not what you know, it's who you know.

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