I am Italian and have checked everything I could find online regarding this story and could find no mention of any law suits. Could you please cite the source that mentions legal action being taken? Dr Fracassi, in his own words, says that in this particular situation (emergency, not enough valves available, people's lives at stake, no gain for the company, will no longer be printed when the emergency subsides), he believes there are no grounds for suing for patent infringement. So that is maybe where this comes from? https://help3d.it/valvole-stampate-in-3d-a-brescia-facciamo-chiarezza/
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Fact Check on the web in Italian
I am Italian and have checked everything I could find online regarding this story and could find no mention of any law suits. Could you please cite the source that mentions legal action being taken? Dr Fracassi, in his own words, says that in this particular situation (emergency, not enough valves available, people's lives at stake, no gain for the company, will no longer be printed when the emergency subsides), he believes there are no grounds for suing for patent infringement. So that is maybe where this comes from?
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