Hugh Guiney’s Techdirt Profile


About Hugh Guiney

Independent Filmmaker, Freelance Web Designer, Social Media Enthusiast, and Soda Addict

Hugh Guiney’s Comments comment rss

  • Jun 25th, 2010 @ 9:08pm

    (untitled comment)

    Wht happens when all goods become infinite, a la the Jetsons?
  • Jun 25th, 2010 @ 8:24pm

    (untitled comment)

    "And, of course, if security researchers are talking about it now, you can be pretty sure that hackers already figured this out a while ago."

    Security researchers and hackers are the same people. :P
  • Sep 27th, 2009 @ 10:33am

    Re: Re: How Is This Sustainable Though?

    Repealing the DMCA would be a huge step forward but that wouldn't solve the issue entirely. Change will only come about when people learn to look past the propaganda, to stop fearing the pirates, to see that the tools of the digital age can be used positively, and that their rights are being trampled on by greedy media companies. That way, ridiculous bills like the DMCA wouldn't fly.

    The only other alternative would be the death of the current media companies from refusal to change their business models, but somehow I doubt that will happen; there has already been a handful of traditional companies utilizing new media market strategies and others are likely to catch on, but more importantly: they like money too much.
  • Sep 27th, 2009 @ 9:40am

    Re: Re: How Is This Sustainable Though?

    I meant as a rule (business model) instead of the exception (piracy).

    I'm not sure what you're getting at though. This example was used in relation to moviemaking in general, was it not? "Creative Marketing, Freeing Up Movies, Embracing New Business Models"... that doesn't sound very specific to me. Besides which, if we aren't meant to discuss how these practices might be applied elsewhere then what's the point of bringing them? To say "oh, neat"?
  • Sep 27th, 2009 @ 9:32am

    Re: Re: How Is This Sustainable Though?

    Except you're missing something extremely important here: The filmmaking industry is already a "maybe pay" industry.
    The entire business relies on whether people want to see the movie or not.

    But in that sense, every industry is a "maybe pay" industry. The entire computer software business relies on whether people want to use the program or not. The entire soft drink business relies on whether people want to consume soda or not.

    The point I am making is that this model takes previously-monetized groups of people and removes them from the picture entirely, namely: casual moviegoers and people didn't like the movie.

    The current model works roughly in this fashion:

    1. Preview of the film, entices you to see it (advertising)
    2. Seeing the film (monetization)
    3. Opinion
      • Positive (monetization+)
      • Neutral (no change)
      • Negative (no change)

    This model, however, would work something like this:

    1. Preview of the film, entices you to see it (advertising)
    2. Seeing the film (advertising)
    3. Opinion
      • Positive (monetization)
      • Neutral (no change)
      • Negative (no change)

    Again, I can maybe see this working with the reduced cost of production/distribution using an all-digital workflow (something the industry has been slow to embrace), but two other things also have to happen:

    • Hollywood will have to start making movies that are less formulaic. The reason you see so many cookie-cutter films come out is because producers can estimate the success of a film based on the successes of similar previous films and it makes more sense to rehash a familiar story than take a risk on a new idea. But, I imagine this would be hindered if the monetary reward was a response to actual entertainment value and not the prospect of entertainment. I think many people see the same types of movie, not because they don't like variety, but because they represent the flavor of the month, i.e., it's something to do with friends and dates or because it's gotten a lot of hype. That isn't going to change whether they are watching from a theater seat or their living room couch. But after they're done watching, the movie will already have served its purpose and there will be no logical reason for them to go out and buy a hard copy, even with collectors' items attached. So the general quality of movies will have to go up to keep viewers engaged with the film beyond the first sitting.
    • Consumers of movies will have to become more appreciative of the filmmaking process. This one is a tough one. Few people understand what actually goes into making a movie; they just consume the final product and wait for the next one. But if this is going to be sustainable then viewers will have to learn that if they like something, they have to support it or similar works simply won't be made. I come across many people who pirate every movie they watch because it saves them money. They may love or hate the film but they have no intention of supporting it one way or the other because to them it's just not a priority. I think they would feel differently if they knew that filmmaking employs not just actors, directors, and cameramen, but also grips, makeup & wardrobe, production managers & assistants, teamsters, location scouts, extras, stand-ins, animators & compositors, producers, stuntmen, catering services, casting agencies, set builders, propmasters, and a slew of other dedicated craftsmen. There needs to be a thought shift away from supporting media as just buying entertainment and toward supporting media as feeding families.
  • Sep 25th, 2009 @ 9:37pm

    How Is This Sustainable Though?

    Filmmaking is already a big enough gamble as it is. Introducing "maybe paying" as the rule rather than the exception is nice in theory but for every 1 person that wants to support the artists there will be 100 more who don't care about who made the movie and just want to be entertained for an hour and a half. With the "old model" these people's viewings would be monetized then and there and it wouldn't matter if they bought the DVD or not, but to make a comparable profit with the "new model" they would need to not only like it, but like it so much that they'd go and buy it multiple times.

    Although I suppose taking out the enormous cost of theatric distribution might help recoup some of those untranslated sales, I just don't see this working all THAT well in a culture where entitlement is increasingly becoming the norm.
  • Sep 18th, 2009 @ 10:49am

    (untitled comment)

    I think it's an emerging trend that only the cleverer programs/stations are doing.

    E.g., HGTV just posted this on Facebook:

    Antonio fans: this just in! Antonio is joining us LIVE Sunday night on Facebook to chat during his special, "The Antonio Project". Be here at 10/9c to ask him questions during the show or just say hi.

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