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  • Jun 28th, 2011 @ 5:59am

    A different solution

    The main flaw in the Tax the Rich argument is that it doesn't work - they cheat, leave, or corrupt the law (notice the current state of affairs)

    The answer is to eliminate artificial scarcity and stabilize the population.

    Decentralizing manufacturing and open sourcing it addresses the first concern, given that american STILL throw away enough non-recycled Aluminum, Steel, and Glass to meet the auto industries needs every day and enough additional Aluminum to replace all domestic aircraft every 3 months
    (Trash Trivia
    There are NO shortages of ANYthing that the marketing minds do not create as a perception i.e. "old is bad" etc...

    Local level recycling would reduce the worldwide demand for raw materials by up to 90% for most manufactured materials

    I'm working on an open source system to address these issues called CubeSpawn-> and there is no reason to believe we could not have a society that did not need currency in 10 years if we devoted ourselves to building it - and health would become an entirely different pursuit in that kind of environment.

    though idealistic and somewhat simplistic James Hogans "Voyage from Yesteryear" is probably the best fictional treatment of a post scarcity culture I have read... Read it! you might like it ;-)

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